June 26, 2014
NASA Announces Education Research Program Award Recipients
NASA is awarding $11.25 million to 15 colleges and universities across the United States to conduct basic research and technology development in areas including climate change, nanotechnology, astrophysics, aviation and other areas relevant to the agency's missions. The awards, each valued at $750,000, are made through NASA's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). One proposal was selected from each of the following universities and organizations: -- College of Charleston, South Carolina EPSCoR is managed by NASA's Office of Education. The program helps develop partnerships among NASA research missions and programs, academic institutions and industry. It also helps the awardees establish long-term academic research enterprises that will be self-sustaining and competitive, and contribute to the institution’s economic viability and development. To view an abstract from each of the 2014 EPSCoR education research selectees and to learn more about EPSCoR in general, visit: For more information about NASA's education programs, visit: -end- Ann Marie Trotta NASA news releases and other information are available automatically by sending an e-mail message with the subject line subscribe to hqnews-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.