June 10, 2014
Actor Seth Green Shows How NASA is With You in the Air and on the Road
NASA technology makes deep space travel happen, but it also improves long distance travel here on Earth. Actor, creator, producer and writer Seth Green talks about how there is more space in your life than you might think in a new video released on the agency’s website, NASA TV and YouTube channel. The video can be viewed at: Two of the technologies highlighted – winglets and improved design for car seats – are featured in the agency’s Spinoff 2013 book. “NASA technologies improve our everyday lives, including providing us with safer, cleaner modes of transportation, supporting millions of passengers and packages traveling by air and ground everyday with efficiencies, comfort and safety,” said Daniel Lockney, NASA’s Technology Transfer Program executive. “The program works to bring the cutting-edge technologies developed for NASA missions down to Earth.” NASA’s Technology Transfer Program is charged with finding the widest possible applications of agency technology. Through partnerships and licensing agreements with industry, the program ensures that NASA’s investments in pioneering research find secondary applications that benefit the economy, create jobs and improve quality of life. Hundreds of examples of NASA spinoff technologies appear on NASA’s Spinoff website at: -end- Sarah Ramsey NASA news releases and other information are available automatically by sending an e-mail message with the subject line subscribe to hqnews-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.