March 26, 2014
NASA Awards Contract for Intelligent Systems Research
NASA has selected Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc. (SGT) of Greenbelt, Md., for a contract for Intelligent Systems Research and Development Support services at the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. This cost-plus, fixed-fee contract, consisting of Core requirements and indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity task orders, will begin on April 1. It consists of a three-year base period, including a 60-day phase-in period and two one-year option periods. The contract has a maximum value of $300 million. SGT will provide resources and technical expertise to support the Intelligent Systems Division on scientific research, technologies and applications development in a variety of research domains, and infusion of advanced information systems technology on NASA missions and other projects within the federal government. For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit: -end- Sonja Alexander Jessica S. Culler NASA news releases and other information are available automatically by sending an e-mail message with the subject line subscribe to hqnews-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.