International Space Station Astronauts Land Safely in Kazakhstan

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Nov. 18, 2012

Rachel Kraft 
Headquarters, Washington      

Jenny Knotts 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 12-404


HOUSTON -- Three members of the Expedition 33 crew undocked from the 
International Space Station and returned safely to Earth Sunday, 
wrapping up a mission lasting more than four months. 

Expedition 33 Commander Sunita Williams of NASA, Flight Engineer 
Akihiko Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Russian 
Soyuz Commander Yuri Malenchenko undocked their Soyuz TMA-05M 
spacecraft from the space station at 4:26 p.m. CST and landed north 
of Arkalyk, Kazakhstan, at 7:56 p.m. (7:56 a.m., Nov. 19, Kazakhstan 
time). The trio arrived at the station July 17 and spent 127 days in 
space, 125 of which were aboard the orbiting laboratory. This was the 
first pre-dawn landing in darkness for a station crew since April 9, 
2006, when Expedition 12 crew members returned. 

NASA astronaut Kevin Ford took command of the space station on Nov. 
18. When the Soyuz spacecraft undocked from the space station, 
Expedition 34 began. Ford and his crewmates, Russian cosmonauts Oleg 
Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin, will tend to the station as a 
three-man crew for one month until the arrival of three new crew 
members, including NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn. 

Expedition 33 advanced the scope of research aboard the station by 
conducting a wide range of physical science, Earth observation and 
technology demonstration investigations. Research included testing 
radiation levels on the orbiting outpost, assessing how microgravity 
affects the spinal cord, and investigating dynamic processes on 
Earth, such as melting glaciers, seasonal changes and human impacts 
on the ecosystem. 

The crew also participated in the Integrated Resistance and Aerobic 
Training Study-Sprint, which evaluates the use of high-intensity, 
low-volume exercise training to minimize loss of muscle, bone and 
cardiovascular functions during long-duration missions. The 
expedition also managed a number of visits by international and 
commercial spacecraft, including the first contracted commercial 
resupply flight by SpaceX, and conducted several challenging 
spacewalks to sustain the productive operation of the orbiting 

Williams, Hoshide and Malenchenko orbited Earth 2,032 times and 
traveled 54,090,628 miles. Williams, who has spent 322 days in space 
on two missions, now ranks sixth on the all-time U.S. endurance list, 
and second all-time for a female. Malenchenko has spent 642 days in 
space on his five flights, which ranks him seventh on the all-time 
endurance list. During their mission, Williams and Hoshide performed 
three spacewalks to replace a component that relays power from the 
space station's solar arrays to its systems and repair an ammonia 
leak on a station radiator. With 50 hours and 40 minutes, Williams 
holds the record for total cumulative spacewalk time by a female 
astronaut. Hoshide holds the record for total cumulative spacewalk 
time by a JAXA astronaut at 21 hours and 23 minutes. 

For more information about the International Space Station and its 
crew, visit: 


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