Two Space Station Spacewalks to be Broadcast on NASA TV

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Aug. 14, 2012

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington      

Kelly Humphries 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 



WASHINGTON -- Astronauts and cosmonauts will perform two spacewalks 
outside the International Space Station this month. NASA Television 
will broadcast both events live. Coverage of the first will begin at 
10 a.m. EDT, Monday, Aug. 20. Coverage of the second will begin at 7 
a.m., Thursday, Aug. 30. 

The first spacewalk, scheduled to begin at 10:40 a.m., Aug. 20, will 
feature Expedition 32 Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineer 
Yuri Malenchenko of the Russian Federal Space Agency in Russian Orlan 
spacesuits. They will float outside the Pirs docking compartment 
airlock for a 6 1/2 hour spacewalk to relocate a cargo boom from Pirs 
to the Zarya module, complete the installation of micrometeoroid 
debris shields on the Zvezda service module and deploy a small 
science satellite. 

The second spacewalk, scheduled to begin at 8:15 a.m., Aug. 30, will 
feature NASA Flight Engineer Sunita Williams and Japan Aerospace 
Exploration Agency Flight Engineer Akihiko Hoshide. The duo will don 
U.S. extravehicular mobility unit spacesuits for the first U.S.-based 
spacewalk since July 2011. It will be a 6 1/2 hour excursion designed 
to replace a faulty power relay unit on the station's truss, rig 
power cables for the arrival late next year of a Russian laboratory 
module, and install a thermal cover on a docking port. 

The spacewalks will be the 163rd and 164th in support of space station 
assembly and maintenance. Padalka has conducted eight previous 
spacewalks and will wear a suit bearing red stripes. Malenchenko has 
conducted four spacewalks and will wear blue stripes. For the U.S. 
spacewalk, Williams will wear a suit with red stripes for the fifth 
spacewalk in her career. Hoshide, wearing a suit with no stripes, 
will be conducting his first spacewalk. He is the third Japanese 
astronaut in history to conduct a spacewalk. 

International news media planning to cover the U.S. spacewalk 
in-person at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston must apply for 
accreditation by contacting the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111 by 6 
p.m., Aug. 21. U.S. media also may begin their application process at 
this time. International accreditation for the first spacewalk has 

For NASA TV streaming video, schedule and downlink information, visit: 

For more information about the International Space Station and its 
crew, visit: 


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