Smokey Bear to Celebrate 68th Birthday at Mission Control

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Aug. 6, 2012

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington 

Michael Hernandez / Jay Bolden 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 
281-792-7457 / 281-483-6270 
michael.hernandez@xxxxxxxx / jay.e.bolden@xxxxxxxx 

RELEASE: 12-266


HOUSTON -- NASA, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the Texas Forest 
Service and Smokey Bear are teaming up to celebrate Smokey's 68th 
birthday Aug. 9 at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. The 
popular mascot will tour the center and record a promotional 
announcement for NASA Television that will air later this month. 

Smokey Bear is the USFS symbol for wildland fire prevention and 
represents the Advertising Council Inc.'s longest-running public 
service announcement campaign. 

On May 14, Smokey went where no bear had gone before. NASA astronaut 
Joe Acaba and the Expedition 31 crew chose a plush Smokey doll to be 
the team's launch mascot, celebrating their trip to the International 
Space Station. During his tour about 250 miles above Earth, Smokey 
will turn 68 years old, sparking the celebrations back on the ground 

NASA's collaboration with the USFS began in 1971 when Stuart Roosa, an 
Apollo 14 astronaut and former Forest Service smokejumper, orbited 
the moon with a pack of seeds as part of a joint NASA/USFS project. 
Those "moon trees" were planted around the country (many for the 
nation's bicentennial in 1976) and around the world. Today, the trees 
stand as a tribute to Roosa and the Apollo program. 

This year, NASA and the USFS signed a Space Act Agreement that unites 
the two agencies in raising awareness about the importance of fire 
prevention and fire safety. For more about the International Space 
Station and the NASA-USFS connection, visit: 


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