NASA Releases Scorecard On Energy And Sustainability Goals

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June 12, 2012

Merrilee Fellows 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 12-204


WASHINGTON -- NASA has released its fiscal year 2011 scorecard on 
sustainability and energy performance. The agency ranked third 
overall in the list of government agencies. 

Out of seven benchmarks, NASA received six green ratings and one 
yellow. A green rating indicates the benchmark has been met. Yellow 
indicates that progress is being made. 

"We are making great progress toward sustainable and efficient 
operations of our facilities," said Olga Dominguez, assistant 
administrator for the Office of Strategic Infrastructure at NASA 
Headquarters in Washington. "Sustainable practices are good for the 
agency, good for our employees and provide better value for the 
American taxpayer." 

The scorecard measures federal agency progress in a number of areas 
related to energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions and waste 
reduction. President Obama in 2009 directed federal agencies to lead 
by example in energy efficiency and renewable energy use, and meet a 
range of related goals. 

In the last year, NASA completed several new sustainable buildings, 
including Sustainability Base at NASA Ames Research Center, which has 
been certified as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design 
(LEED) Platinum building. The 50,000 square-foot building was 
designed to know exactly how much energy each occupant uses and can 
adapt to weather, season and occupancy. 

The agency will update its Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan 
later this month and post a summary on its website. 
To view NASA's sustainability scorecard and sustainability plans, 


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