NASA Surpasses Test Facility Record with J-2X Powerpack Test

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June 8, 2012

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington                               

Jennifer Stanfield 
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 

Rebecca Strecker 
Stennis Space Center, Miss. 

RELEASE: 12-167


BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. -- NASA's Stennis Space Center near Bay St. 
Louis, Miss., broke its own record Friday when it conducted a test on 
the new J-2X powerpack. The test lasted for 1,150 seconds, surpassing 
the previous record by more than a full minute. 

For NASA, the test marked a milestone step in development of a 
next-generation rocket engine to carry humans deeper into space than 
ever before. For Stennis, the 19-minute, 10-second test represented 
the longest duration firing ever conducted in the center's A Test 

"This is the longest and the most complex J-2X test profile to date," 
said Mike Kynard, NASA's Space Launch System liquid engines element 
manager. "By combining as many test objectives as we can, we aim to 
get the most out of every opportunity and work as affordability and 
efficiently as possible while maintaining a reasonable level of 

The powerpack is a system of components on the top portion of the J-2X 
engine, including the gas generator, oxygen and fuel turbopumps, and 
related ducts and valves. As designed, the powerpack system feeds the 
thrust chamber system, which produces engine thrust. By removing the 
thrust chamber assembly, including the main combustion chamber, main 
injector and nozzle, engineers can push more easily the 
turbomachinery components over a wide range of conditions to 
demonstrate durability and safety margins. 

"Setting a new record for the longest duration test on one of our 
stands in the A complex is a testament to the longevity and 
versatility of our testing facilities," said Randy Galloway, 
engineering and test director at Stennis. "These stands, originally 
built in the 1960s to test the stages for the Apollo Program, then 
used for the Space Shuttle Program, now are being used to test for 
the next generation vehicle that will take us farther than we have 
ever gone." 

This record-breaking test explored numerous operating points required 
for the fuel and oxidizer turbopumps. The results of this test will 
be useful for determining performance and hardware life for the J-2X 
engine turbopumps. The test also allowed operators to calibrate flow 
meters on the stand, which measure the amount of liquid hydrogen and 
liquid oxygen delivered to the powerpack. 

Before the powerpack test, the longest firing in Stennis' A Test 
Complex occurred in August 1989, with a 1,075-second test of a space 
shuttle main engine. The B Test Complex still claims the record for 
test duration at more than 2,000 seconds. 

The J-2X engine is the first human-rated liquid oxygen and liquid 
hydrogen rocket engine to be developed in four decades. It will power 
the upper stage of NASA's evolved Space Launch System, an advanced 
heavy-lift rocket that will provide an entirely new national 
capability for human exploration beyond Earth's orbit. 

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne is developing the J-2X engine for NASA's 
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. 

The June 8 test is part of a second series of firings on the 
powerpack. NASA engineers performed an initial test of an Apollo-era 
powerpack at Stennis in 2008. 

For information about Stennis, visit: 

For more information about NASA exploration, visit: 


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