"What Is NASA, Alex?" New Trebek Video Promotes NASA In Your Life

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May 23, 2012

David E. Steitz 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 12-165


WASHINGTON -- The king of quiz shows, Alex Trebek, is helping answer 
the question, "How does NASA affect our daily lives?" The host of the 
long-running syndicated program "Jeopardy" is featured in a new 
public service announcement released Wednesday. 

In the video, Trebek points out that much of the technologies we rely 
on in our daily lives come from those developed by NASA for space 
exploration. The video will air on NASA Television and the agency's 

The new video was announced by NASA Chief Technologist Mason Peck 
during a NASA-Cleveland "Adopt a City" manufacturing initiative event 
in Cleveland. 

"It's an honor to add Alex Trebek to our list of space technology 
spinoff supporters. As NASA partners today with small manufacturers 
in Ohio to solve tough technical problems with their products, 
there's potential for NASA technology to help improve everything from 
better household fans to stronger ceramics for dentistry," said Peck. 
"NASA technologies work for us here on Earth, solving everyday 
problems -- saving lives, creating jobs and making our lives better." 

At the event, NASA, the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County and the 
Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET) also announced nine 
small and medium-sized Ohio manufacturers that will receive NASA 
assistance to solve technical problems with new or existing products. 

NASA is committed to providing 400 hours of technical assistance from 
its science and engineering work force to offer potential solutions 
to the selected companies for specific technical challenges they are 
facing with a new or existing product. In addition to access to NASA 
experts, the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are making 
$450,000 in low interest rate loans available to the companies to 
help with costs associated with participation in the program. 

This initiative is part of the White House's Office of Science and 
Technology Policy "Strong Cities, Strong Communities" effort with 
this partnership developed as a local "Adopt a City" program. 

With the new video, Trebek joins the ranks of celebrities such as 
musicians Will.i.am and Norah Jones, and comedian Stephen Colbert who 
have recently partnered with the agency to tell audiences how 
NASA-related technology, or spinoffs, benefit life today on Earth. 

To view the Trebek video and other public service announcements, 


For hundreds of examples of NASA spinoff technologies and innovations 
adapted for use in our everyday lives, visit: 


For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 



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