Dancing Droplets Rock Out On Space Station

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May 04, 2012

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington                                         

Rachel Kraft 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 12-148


HOUSTON -- Expedition 31 Flight Engineer Don Pettit of NASA has taught 
more than half a million internet viewers how microgravity affects 
scientific principles by using everyday objects on the International 
Space Station. In the latest video, Pettit takes his demonstrations 
to the next level by using sound to oscillate water placed on a 
speaker and letting the droplets fly. 

The investigation is part of "Science off the Sphere," a video series 
featuring experiments of Pettit's own design intended to show 
scientific possibilities on the frontier of space. NASA and the 
American Physical Society, or APS, developed a partnership to share 
the videos with students, educators and science enthusiasts across 
the globe. 

In the short, downloadable videos, Pettit has used knitting needles 
and water droplets to examine static electricity, demonstrated 
capillary flow by creating a zero gravity tea cup, used thin water 
films to experiment with fluid motion, shared infrared imagery of 
Earth and more. Each video includes a physics challenge question to 
which the online community is invited to respond. 

"The physics community is absolutely loving seeing what's going on and 
loving having a different way of looking at concepts they've spent 
their lives studying," said Becky Thompson-Flagg, head of public 
outreach at APS. 

APS, the professional society for physicists, shares new "Science off 
the Sphere" videos on its outreach website, Physics Central. In the 
latest episode, Pettit's water droplets dance to music by Texas rock 
band ZZ Top. Video of the demonstration will air in the video file on 
NASA Television at 12 p.m. CDT today. 

"Science off the Sphere" is a successor to Pettit's science 
demonstrations performed during his stay on the space station during 
Expedition 6 in 2002 and 2003 and during the STS-126 space shuttle 

Pettit launched to the space station to join the Expedition 30 crew on 
Dec. 23, 2011, with Russian Flight Engineer Oleg Kononenko and 
European Space Agency Flight Engineer Andre Kuipers. The crew will be 
joined by NASA's Joseph Acaba and Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka 
and Sergei Revin as part of Expedition 31, who are scheduled to 
launch on May 14. Pettit, Kuipers and Kononenko will remain on the 
station until July. 

To view Pettit's science demonstrations performed during his current 
mission, visit: 


To view Pettit's science experiments performed during Expedition 6, 


For information about the International Space Station and its crew, 


For NASA TV downlink, schedule updates and streaming video 
information, visit: 



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