NASA'S Social Media Team Receives Space Foundation Award

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April 17, 2012

Sonja Alexander 
Headquarters, Washington                                

RELEASE: 12-118


WASHINGTON -- NASA's social media team has received the Space 
Foundation's Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award, which is 
presented annually to an individual, team or organization that has 
made significant contributions to public awareness and understanding 
of space programs. The award was presented on Monday, April 16, 
during the opening ceremony of the 28th National Space Symposium at 
The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo. 

The NASA social media team was selected for creative and pioneering 
use of social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter, 
actively engaging millions of people around the world and inspiring 
followers while in orbit. 

"NASA's social media team works to tell our story using innovative 
platforms to let as many people as possible learn about the work 
we're doing in space exploration and aeronautics research," said 
David Weaver, associate administrator for Communications at NASA 
Headquarters in Washington. "The Space Foundation's recognition is 
another testament to the team's success." 

Former NASA astronaut Eileen Collins received the award in 2007, the 
STS-95 space shuttle crew was honored in 1998 and NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., was recognized in 1997. 

NASA uses a host of social media sites to communicate its mission to 
followers around the world. NASA Socials, formerly known as NASA 
Tweetups, allow social media followers to attend functions and 
interact with NASA engineers and scientists. The @NASA Twitter 
account has surpassed 2 million followers, and NASA maintains a 
presence on Facebook, Google+, Flickr and other popular platforms. 

To view all of NASA's social media sites, visit: 

For more about the Space Foundation and the National Space Symposium, 


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