NASA's Twitter Account Receives Shorty Award

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March 27, 2012

Bob Jacobs 
Headquarters, Washington                           

RELEASE: 12-098


WASHINGTON -- NASA's activities in social media were recognized on 
Monday in New York when the agency's official Twitter feed, @NASA, 
received a Shorty Award for the best government use of social media. 

The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media across sites such as 
Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Foursquare and others. NASA's 
nomination cited multiple aspects of the agency's social-media 
efforts, including the popular Angry Birds in Space game and 
encouragement of science among young people. 

"The Obama administration has placed a high priority on openness and 
on-line communications, and @NASA is honored to be recognized for its 
social media efforts with a Shorty Award," said David Weaver, NASA's 
associate administrator for communications. "We are inspired by the 
social media community and their passion for sharing our compelling 
story of reaching for new heights and keeping America the world 
leader in space exploration." 

The award is NASA's third for social media. The agency won the Shorty 
Award in 2009 for its use of Twitter for the Mars Phoenix Lander 
mission, and astronaut Doug Wheelock was awarded the Real Time Photo 
of the Year in 2011 for his "Moon from Space" picture. 

NASA uses many social media sites to communicate its mission to a wide 
range of followers. The @NASA twitter account has more than 2 million 
followers, and NASA maintains presences on Facebook , Google+, 
Flickr, and other popular platforms. NASA Socials, formerly known as 
NASA Tweetups, allow social media followers to attend functions and 
interact with NASA's engineers and scientists. 

To view all of NASA's social media sites, visit: 

For more information about the Shorty Awards: 


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