NASA Launches International Competition to Develop Space Apps

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March 9, 2012

Trent J. Perrotto 
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 12-063


WASHINGTON -- NASA, governments around the world and civil society 
organizations will co-host the International Space Apps Challenge on 
April 21-22 with events across seven continents and in space. 

The apps competition will bring people together to exploit openly 
available data collected by space agencies around the world to create 
innovative solutions to longstanding global challenges. An initiative 
of the U.S. Open Government National Action Plan, the challenge will 
showcase the impact scientists and citizens can have by working 
together to solve challenging problems that affect every person on 
Earth. Events will take place in San Francisco; Exeter, U.K.; 
Melbourne, Australia; Sao Paulo; Nairobi, Kenya; Jakarta, Indonesia; 
Tokyo; McMurdo Station, Antarctica; and the International Space 

"We are excited to convene the International Space Apps Challenge as 
one of the U.S. commitments to the Open Government Partnership to 
explore new ways that open space data can help the planet and further 
space exploration," said Deborah Diaz, deputy chief information 
officer at NASA Headquarters in Washington. 

Open data includes statistics, facts and other information that is 
freely available to the public. Teams will compete with others around 
the world to use open data to design innovative solutions to a 
predetermined series of global challenges. Specific challenges are 
being compiled and will soon be available. 

"The International Space Apps Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for 
individuals around the world to create new ways to use space-derived 
data to save lives, transform industries, and connect us more deeply 
with our world," said Michael Green, general manager of the 
Australian Government's Space Policy Unit. "Space applications 
technology underpins critical sectors such as navigation, 
communications, emergency management, agriculture and climate 

Participants will be free to develop mobile apps, software and 
hardware, data visualization, and platform solutions that could 
contribute to space exploration missions and help improve life on 

"Open Government is more than simply releasing data. It is a 
fundamental shift in the way government interacts with citizens," 
said Chris Vein, deputy U.S. chief technology officer for Government 
Innovation at the White House Office of Science and Technology 
Policy. "This apps challenge is an opportunity for governments to 
involve citizens in solving some of the most challenging problems 
facing our Nation and the world, and the White House is excited that 
NASA is at the forefront of this worldwide effort." 

The U.S. National Action Plan is part of the Open Government 
Partnership, a multilateral initiative to promote transparency, 
participation and collaboration between governments and citizens. 
President Obama and other heads of state committed to these 
principles on the margins of the United Nations in September 2011. 

To learn more about the International Space Apps Challenge, visit: 


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