NASA Receives Second Highest Number Of Astronaut Applications

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Feb. 3, 2012

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington                                    

Nicole Cloutier-Lemasters 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 12-041


HOUSTON -- More than 6,300 individuals applied to become a NASA 
astronaut between Nov. 15, 2011 and Jan. 27, the second highest 
number of applications ever received by the agency. After a thorough 
selection process, which includes interviews and medical 
examinations, nine to 15 people will be selected to become part of 
the 21st astronaut class. 

"This is a great time to join the NASA family," NASA Administrator 
Charles Bolden said. "Our newest astronauts could launch aboard the 
first commercial rockets to the space station the next generation of 
scientists and engineers who will help us reach higher and create an 
American economy that is built to last." 

The Astronaut Selection Office staff will review the applications to 
identify those meeting the minimum requirements. Next, an expanded 
team, comprised mostly of active astronauts, will review those 
applications to determine which ones are highly qualified. Those 
individuals will be invited to Johnson Space Center for in-person 
interviews and medical evaluations. 

"We will be looking for people who really stand out," said Peggy 
Whitson, chief of the Astronaut Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center 
and chair of the Astronaut Selection Board. "Our team not only will 
be looking at their academic background and professional 
accomplishments but also at other elements of their personality and 
character traits -- what types of hobbies they have or unique life 
experiences. We want and need a mix of individuals and skills for 
this next phase of human exploration." 

NASA expects to announce a final selection of astronaut candidates in 
the spring of 2013. 

The selected astronaut candidates will have two years of initial 
training. Subjects will include space station systems, Russian 
language and spacewalking skills training. Those who complete the 
training will be assigned technical duties within the Astronaut 
Office at Johnson and, ultimately, missions. 

Typically, the agency receives between 2,500 and 3,500 applicants for 
astronaut vacancy announcements. The highest response occurred in 
1978 with 8,000 applicants. 

For more information about NASA astronauts, visit:  


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