NASA Challenges Students To Train Like An Astronaut

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Dec. 05, 2011

J.D. Harrington 
Headquarters, Washington      

William Jeffs 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 11-395


WASHINGTON -- An engaging new NASA program brings the excitement of 
space exploration to children learning to live a healthy lifestyle. 
Inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, 
NASA's Train Like an Astronaut program aims to increase opportunities 
both in and out of school for kids to become more physically and 
mentally active. 

The program uses the excitement of space exploration and astronaut 
training to challenge, inspire and educate kids to set physical 
fitness goals and practice fitness and proper nutrition. Kids will 
explore mission challenges, learn the science behind nutrition and 
learn to train like an astronaut. 

The activities used in the Train Like an Astronaut program were 
developed in cooperation with NASA scientists and fitness 
professionals who work directly with astronauts. Although designed 
for 8-12 year olds, the program is for anyone who is curious about 
space exploration and what it takes to be an astronaut. 

"A part of the human space exploration mission is to inspire our youth 
to stay in school and master professions in the sciences and 
engineering fields to carry on this important work well into the 21st 
century," said Charles Lloyd, NASA's Human Research Program Education 
and Outreach Project manager. "We believe this starts with our youth 
in elementary school, and hope this ongoing fitness challenge will 
assist them with that lifelong endeavor." 

The activities align with national education standards and are part of 
the physical education and health curriculum in schools throughout 
the country. Teachers easily can modify the activities to create an 
environment that supports all learners. 

No special equipment is required and while adult supervision is 
suggested, the activities are routine and involve no heavy-lifting so 
children are free to play alone. Participants simply visit the 
website, find a favorite exercise and get started. 

For more information about the program, visit: 

For more information about the Mrs. Obama's Let's Move! initiative, 

For more information about other NASA education programs, visit:   


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