NASA Seeks Space Technology Graduate Fellowship Applicants

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Nov. 04, 2011

David E. Steitz 
Headquarters, Washington                                    

RELEASE: 11-373


WASHINGTON -- NASA is seeking applications from graduate students for 
the agency's second class of Space Technology Research Fellowships. 
Applications will be accepted from accredited U.S. universities on 
behalf of graduate students interested in performing space technology 
research beginning in fall 2012. 

The fellowships will sponsor U.S. graduate student researchers who 
show significant potential to contribute to NASA's strategic space 
technology objectives through their studies. Sponsored by NASA's 
Office of the Chief Technologist and the Space Technology Program, 
the fellowships' continuing goal is to provide the nation with a 
pipeline of highly skilled engineers and technologists to improve 
America's technological competitiveness. Fellows will perform 
innovative space technology research today while building the skills 
necessary to become future technological leaders. 

"We're calling for our second round of applications from America's 
best and brightest future technology leaders," said Michael Gazarik, 
director of the Space Technology Program at NASA Headquarters in 
Washington. "Our Space Technology Graduate Fellowships will help 
create the next generation of highly skilled workers needed for 
NASA's and our nation's technological future, while motivating 
careers in science and technology that will lead to sustainable, 
high-tech jobs and help America out-innovate the world." 

The deadline for submitting applications is Jan. 11, 2012. Information 
on the fellowships, including how to submit applications, is 
available at: 

To learn more about NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist, the Space 
Technology Program and the crosscutting space technology areas of 
interest to the agency, visit: 


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