NASA's Fermi Finds Youngest Millisecond Pulsar, 100 Pulsars To-Date

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Nov. 3, 2011

Trent J. Perrotto 
Headquarters, Washington                                         

RELEASE: 11-372


WASHINGTON -- An international team of scientists using NASA's Fermi 
Gamma-ray Space Telescope has discovered a surprisingly powerful 
millisecond pulsar that challenges existing theories about how these 
objects form. 

At the same time, another team has located nine new gamma-ray pulsars 
in Fermi data, using improved analytical techniques. 

A pulsar is a type of neutron star that emits electromagnetic energy 
at periodic intervals. A neutron star is the closest thing to a black 
hole that astronomers can observe directly, crushing half a million 
times more mass than Earth into a sphere no larger than a city. This 
matter is so compressed that even a teaspoonful weighs as much as 
Mount Everest. 

"With this new batch of pulsars, Fermi now has detected more than 100, 
which is an exciting milestone when you consider that, before Fermi's 
launch in 2008, only seven of them were known to emit gamma rays," 
said Pablo Saz Parkinson, an astrophysicist at the Santa Cruz 
Institute for Particle Physics at the University of California Santa 
Cruz, and a co-author on two papers detailing the findings. 

One group of pulsars combines incredible density with extreme 
rotation. The fastest of these so-called millisecond pulsars whirls 
at 43,000 revolutions per minute. 

Millisecond pulsars are thought to achieve such speeds because they 
are gravitationally bound in binary systems with normal stars. During 
part of their stellar lives, gas flows from the normal star to the 
pulsar. Over time, the impact of this falling gas gradually spins up 
the pulsar's rotation. 

The strong magnetic fields and rapid rotation of pulsars cause them to 
emit powerful beams of energy, from radio waves to gamma rays. 
Because the star is transferring rotational energy to the pulsar, the 
pulsar's spin eventually slows as the star loses matter. 

Typically, millisecond pulsars are around a billion years old. 
However, in the Nov. 3 issue of Science, the Fermi team reveals a 
bright, energetic millisecond pulsar only 25 million years old. 

The object, named PSR J1823â??3021A, lies within NGC 6624, a spherical 
collection of ancient stars called a globular cluster, one of about 
160 similar objects that orbit our galaxy. The cluster is about 10 
billion years old and lies about 27,000 light-years away toward the 
constellation Sagittarius. 

Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT) showed that eleven globular 
clusters emit gamma rays, the cumulative emission of dozens of 
millisecond pulsars too faint for even Fermi to detect individually. 
But that's not the case for NGC 6624. 

"It's amazing that all of the gamma rays we see from this cluster are 
coming from a single object. It must have formed recently based on 
how rapidly it's emitting energy. It's a bit like finding a screaming 
baby in a quiet retirement home," said Paulo Freire, the study's lead 
author, at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, 

J1823â??3021A was previously identified as a pulsar by its radio 
emission, yet of the nine new pulsars, none are millisecond pulsars, 
and only one was later found to emit radio waves. 

Despite its sensitivity, Fermi's LAT may detect only one gamma ray for 
every 100,000 rotations of some of these faint pulsars. Yet new 
analysis techniques applied to the precise position and arrival time 
of photons collected by the LAT since 2008 were able to identify 

"We adapted methods originally devised for studying gravitational 
waves to the problem of finding gamma-ray pulsars, and we were 
quickly rewarded," said Bruce Allen, director of the Max Planck 
Institute for Gravitational Physics in Hannover, Germany. Allen 
co-authored a paper on the discoveries that was published online 
today in The Astrophysical Journal. 

Allen also directs the Einstein@Home project, a distributed computing 
effort that uses downtime on computers of volunteers to process 
astronomical data. In July, the project extended the search for 
gamma-ray pulsars to the general public by including Femi LAT data in 
the work processed by Einstein@Home users. 

NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is an astrophysics and particle 
physics partnership. It is managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight 
Center in Greenbelt, Md. It was developed in collaboration with the 
U.S. Department of Energy, with important contributions from academic 
institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden 
and the United States. 

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