NASA Seeks Hosts for Space Station Interactive Education Events

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Oct. 28, 2011

Ann Marie Trotta 
Headquarters, Washington 

Rachel Kraft 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 11-367


WASHINGTON -- NASA is seeking proposals from educators who are looking 
for a unique way to inspire the next generation of explorers. Formal 
and informal education organizations can apply to host live 
interactive education downlinks with astronauts onboard the 
International Space Station. 

Proposals are being accepted for downlink opportunities during space 
station missions scheduled for March to September 2012. The deadline 
to submit comprehensive proposals that target a large number of 
participants is Dec. 21. 

During Expeditions 31 and 32, NASA crew members Don Pettit, Joseph 
Acaba and Sunita Williams will participate in the 20-minute downlink 
opportunities. Participants on Earth see and hear the crew members 
live from space, while the crew hears the questions but does not see 
the audience. 

U.S. educational organizations such as school districts, museums, 
science centers, national and regional education organizations and 
local, state and federal government agencies are eligible to 
participate. NASA provides this opportunity at no charge to the host 
institution. NASA personnel will work with the organization to help 
plan the event. 

"Educational downlinks provide unique opportunities for students 
around the country to learn more about living in space and exploring 
beyond Earth's boundaries," said Cindy McArthur, Teaching From Space 
project manager at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. 

The downlink opportunities are broadcast live on NASA Television and 
are streamed on the NASA website. Due to the nature of human 
spaceflight operations, organizations must demonstrate the 
flexibility to accommodate changes in downlink dates and times. 
Participating organizations also must have two dedicated phone lines 
and be able to receive NASA TV via NASA's Live Interactive Media 
Outlet, or LIMO, channel in order to communicate with and view the 

These educational opportunities are made available through Teaching 
>From Space, a NASA education initiative. Interested organizations 
should contact Teaching From Space to obtain information related to 
expectations, content, format, audience, proposal guidelines and 
forms by sending an e-mail to JSC-Teaching-From-Space@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
or by calling 281-244-7608. Teaching From Space will hold several 
online information sessions designed to provide more information 
about downlinks and the proposal process. 

For more information on the initiative, visit: 

For more information about NASA's education programs, visit: 


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