NASA Sets Media Opportunities for Undersea Mission (Update)

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Oct. 19, 2011

J.D. Harrington/Michael Braukus 
Headquarters, Washington 

Brandi Dean 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 



HOUSTON -- Journalists will have the opportunity to cover the 15th 
NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, or NEEMO, from up close 
or afar. The mission was originally scheduled to start Oct. 17, but 
tropical storm conditions in the area of the undersea laboratory 
required a delay. 

Journalists are invited to visit the Mobile Mission Control Center, 
which supports the underwater crew of the NEEMO mission aboard the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Aquarius Undersea 
Laboratory. The laboratory is located in the Florida Keys National 
Marine Sanctuary in Key Largo. Arrangements for reporters to visit 
the mobile control center must be made at least one day prior to the 
visit by contacting NASA's Johnson Space Center Newsroom in Houston 
on 281-483-5111. 

On Oct. 24, the NEEMO crew will be available for satellite interviews 
from 3 to 4 p.m. CDT. On Oct. 26, astronaut/aquanaut Shannon Walker 
will conduct interviews during an underwater simulated spacewalk from 
1 to 1:30 p.m. Other interview slots are available on a limited basis 
with Walker, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Takuya 
Onishi, Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques and 
Steven Squyres of Cornell University. 

To participate in interview opportunities, reporters should contact 
Lynnette Madison at lynnette.b.madison@xxxxxxxx, or the Johnson Space 
Center Newsroom on 281-483-5111, no later than 5 p.m. Oct. 21. 

The live satellite interviews will air on NASA's Live Interview Media 
Outlet channel. The channel is a digital satellite C-band downlink by 
uplink provider Americom. It is on satellite AMC3, transponder (9C, 
located 87 degrees west, downlink frequency 3865.5 MHz based on a 
standard C-band, horizontal downlink polarity. FEC is 3/4, data rate 
is 6.0 Mbps, symbol rate is 4.3404 Msps, transmission DVB-S, 4:2:0. 
The interviews also will be simulcast on NASA Television. 

The 2011 NEEMO mission will be the first to simulate humans visiting 
an asteroid. A six-member crew, led by Walker, will spend 13 days 
beneath the surface in the Aquarius habitat, the world's only 
underwater laboratory. They will test concepts and techniques for 
asteroid exploration. 

Other crew members include James Talacek and Nate Bender of the 
University of North Carolina in Wilmington. 

In addition, NASA astronauts Stan Love, Richard Arnold and Mike 
Gernhardt will participate in the mission as pilots of the DeepWorker 
submersible, a small submarine that will serve as an underwater 
stand-in for the Space Exploration Vehicle, which may someday be used 
to explore the surface of an asteroid. 

For information about the NEEMO 15 mission, visit: 

To follow the mission via Twitter, visit: 

For NASA TV downlink, schedule and streaming video information, visit: 


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