NASA Selects Technology Payloads For Reduced-Gravity Flights

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Oct. 4, 2011

David E. Steitz 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 11-331


WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected nine proposals to demonstrate new 
technologies for the second set of payloads to fly on commercial 
suborbital reusable launch vehicles and the Zero-G commercial 
parabolic aircraft. NASA is using commercially available vehicles to 
carry these technology demonstration payloads to help develop the 
U.S. commercial reusable suborbital transportation industry. 

NASA's Flight Opportunities Program provides test flights to 
demonstrate and validate space technologies on airborne platforms 
flying above 65,000 feet, the area known as "near space." The program 
also supports parabolic flights that simulate brief periods of 
microgravity or weightlessness. 

"We're moving out with a set of payloads that can benefit from the 
proving ground of near space," Mike Gazarik, director of NASA's Space 
Technology Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington said. "We're 
looking forward to increasing the number of commercial flights and 
technology demonstration payloads flown, with companies providing a 
viable reusable flying science lab capability for researchers from 
all across America." 

Selected for flight on both a suborbital reusable launch vehicle and 
the Zero-G aircraft are: 

- "Microgravity Multi-Phase Flow Experiment for Suborbital Testing," 
team leader Kathryn Hurlbert of NASA's Johnson Space Center in 

Selected for flight on suborbital reusable launch vehicles: 

- "Application of Controlled Vibrations to Multiphase Systems for 
Space Applications," Ricard Gonzalez-Cinca, Universitat Politecnica 
de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, and Richard Tyson, University of 
Alabama in Huntsville 
- "Environmental Monitoring Suite on Suborbital Reusable Launch 
Vehicles," H. Todd Smith, and Lars P. Dyrud, Johns Hopkins University 
Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md. 
- "Measurement of the Atmospheric Background in the Mesosphere as a 
Pre-cursor to Astronomical Observations," Sean Casey, USRA/SOFIA, 
Moffett Field, Calif. 
- "RF Gauging of the Liquid Oxygen Tank on a Reusable Launch Vehicle," 
Gregory Zimmerli, NASA's Glenn Research Center, Cleveland 

Selected for parabolic flight aboard the Zero-G aircraft: 

- "Assessing Vestibulo-Ocular Function and Spatial Orientation in 
Parabolic Flight," Mark Shelhamer, Johns Hopkins University School of 
Medicine, Baltimore 
- "Evaluation of a Medical Chest Drainage System Functional in the 
Microgravity Environment," C. Marsh Cuttino, Orbital Medicine, Inc., 
Richmond, Va. 
- "Autonomous Cell Culture Apparatus for Growing 3-Dimensional Tissues 
in Microgravity," Zarana Patel and Janice Huff of Johnson and Colin 
Pawlowski of Yale University 
- "A demonstrated application of a cost effective and novel platform 
for non-invasive acquisition of physiologic variables from 
spaceflight participant candidates," Ravi Komatireddy, University of 
California at San Diego and West Wireless Health Institute of San 

The Zero-G aircraft flights are expected to take off in April 2012 
from Ellington Field in Houston. The suborbital reusable launch 
vehicle payloads are expected to fly on vehicles produced by 
Armadillo Aerospace, Masten Space Systems, Near Space Corporation, UP 
Aerospace, Virgin Galactic, Whittinghill Aerospace, or XCOR 
Aerospace. NASA selected the seven companies in August to integrate 
and fly space technology payloads. The suborbital reusable launch 
vehicle payload flights tentatively are scheduled to begin in early 

NASA selected the proposals following an announcement of fight 
opportunities issued last December. NASA called for proposals that 
demonstrate or mature new technology payloads using parabolic 
aircraft or suborbital reusable launch vehicles for reduced gravity 
or near-space flights. The announcement will remain open until 
December 31, 2014. 

Flight Opportunities, part of the Space Technology Program within 
NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist, is managed at NASA's Dryden 
Flight Research Center in Edwards, Calif. NASA's Ames Research Center 
in Moffett Field, Calif., manages the payload activities for the 

For more information about the Flight Opportunities program, visit:  

For more information about the announcement and request for 
information, visit:  



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