NASA Awards Space Radiobiology Research Grants

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Sept. 9, 2011

J.D. Harrington/Michael Braukus 
Headquarters, Washington 

William Jeffs 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 11-295


WASHINGTON -- NASA is funding nine proposals from eight states to 
investigate space radiation's effect on human explorers. The 
proposals from researchers in California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, 
Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Texas have a total value of 
approximately $12 million. 

The ground-based studies will work to better understand and mitigate 
risk of damage to the heart and central nervous system from cosmic 
rays. The studies also will assess cancer risks and how genetics 
affect space radiation risks. 

"These studies will pave the way for new approaches to better prepare 
astronauts for living in space," said Francis A. Cucinotta, chief 
scientist for the Human Research Program Space Radiation Program 
Element at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. "The proposals 
will examine biological changes caused by unavoidable exposure to 
cosmic rays and their relation to heart, neuronal and cancer risks." 

The Human Research Program provides knowledge and technologies to 
improve astronaut health during space exploration and identifies 
possible countermeasures for known problems. The program quantifies 
crew health and performance risks during spaceflight and develops 
strategies that mission planners and system developers can use to 
monitor and mitigate health risks. 

NASA selected the nine projects from proposals that were reviewed by 
scientific and technical experts from academia and government 
laboratories. A complete list of the selected principal 
investigators, organizations and proposals is available at: 

For information about NASA's Human Research Program, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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