NASA Selects Four Universities For 2012 X-Hab Innovation Challenge

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July 22, 2011

J.D. Harrington/Michael Braukus      
Headquarters, Washington                                         

Lynnette Madison 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 11-238


WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected four universities to design habitat 
and science concepts that could be used by future deep space 
explorers. The teams will participate in the second eXploration 
Habitat (X-Hab) Academic Innovation Challenge led by NASA and the 
National Space Grant Foundation. 

The teams are from Oklahoma State University; University of Maryland, 
College Park; Ohio State University; and University of Bridgeport, 
Conn. The undergraduate students will design, manufacture, assemble 
and test their concepts and hardware. A panel of engineers and 
scientists will assess their progress at each stage of the 
competition. The National Space Grant Foundation will fund the cost 
of the teams' design development and their participation in testing 
next summer at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. 

"This is an amazing opportunity for students to get hands-on 
experience in fields ranging from engineering and science to business 
management," said Doug Craig, strategic analysis manager for analog 
systems at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Last year's competition 
proved to be intense, demonstrating the creativity, dedication, and 
technical excellence of the team members." 

The 2012 X-Hab challenge will look at volume, geometry and 
habitability of a deep space habitat and technologies for plant 
growth and geo-science sample handling. The challenge is a 
participatory exploration effort designed to encourage studies in 
spaceflight-related engineering and architecture disciplines. NASA is 
committed to training and developing a highly skilled scientific, 
engineering and technical workforce for the future. 

NASA's Exploration Mission Directorate, Directorate Integration Office 
via the Habitat Demonstration Unit Project, is sponsoring the 
challenge. NASA is dedicated to supporting research that enables 
sustained and affordable human and robotic exploration. This 
educational challenge contributes to the agency's efforts to train 
and develop a highly skilled scientific, engineering and technical 
workforce for the future. For more information, visit: 

For more information about the Habitation Development Unit Project, 


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