NASA Dawn Spacecraft Returns Close-Up Image Of Asteroid Vesta

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July 18, 2011

Dwayne C. Brown 
Headquarters, Washington                                

Priscilla Vega 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 

RELEASE: 11-235


PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned the first 
close-up image after beginning its orbit around the giant asteroid 
Vesta. On Friday, July 15, Dawn became the first probe to enter orbit 
around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 

The image taken for navigation purposes shows Vesta in greater detail 
than ever before. When Vesta captured Dawn into its orbit, there were 
approximately 9,900 miles (16,000 kilometers) between the spacecraft 
and asteroid. Engineers estimate the orbit capture took place at 10 
p.m. PDT. 

Vesta is 330 miles (530 kilometers) in diameter and the second most 
massive object in the asteroid belt. Ground- and space-based 
telescopes have obtained images of Vesta for about two centuries, but 
they have not been able to see much detail on its surface. 
"We are beginning the study of arguably the oldest extant primordial 
surface in the solar system," said Dawn principal investigator 
Christopher Russell from the University of California, Los Angeles. 
"This region of space has been ignored for far too long. So far, the 
images received to date reveal a complex surface that seems to have 
preserved some of the earliest events in Vesta's history, as well as 
logging the onslaught that Vesta has suffered in the intervening 

Vesta is thought to be the source of a large number of meteorites that 
fall to Earth. Vesta and its new NASA neighbor are currently 
approximately 117 million miles (188 million kilometers) away from 
Earth. The Dawn team will begin gathering science data in August. 
Observations will provide unprecedented data to help scientists 
understand the earliest chapter of our solar system. The data also 
will help pave the way for future human space missions. 

After traveling nearly four years and 1.7 billion miles (2.8 billion 
kilometers), Dawn also accomplished the largest propulsive 
acceleration of any spacecraft, with a change in velocity of more 
than 4.2 miles per second (6.7 kilometers per second), due to its ion 
engines. The engines expel ions to create thrust and provide higher 
spacecraft speeds than any other technology currently available. 

"Dawn slipped gently into orbit with the same grace it has displayed 
during its years of ion thrusting through interplanetary space," said 
Marc Rayman, Dawn chief engineer and mission manager at NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif. "It is fantastically 
exciting that we will begin providing humankind its first detailed 
views of one of the last unexplored worlds in the inner solar 

Although orbit capture is complete, the approach phase will continue 
for about three weeks. During approach the Dawn team will continue a 
search for possible moons around the asteroid; obtain more images for 
navigation; observe Vesta's physical properties; and obtain 
calibration data. 

In addition, navigators will measure the strength of Vesta's 
gravitational tug on the spacecraft to compute the asteroid's mass 
with much greater accuracy than has been previously available. That 
will allow them to refine the time of orbit insertion. 

Dawn will spend one year orbiting Vesta, then travel to a second 
destination, the dwarf planet Ceres, arriving in February 2015. The 
mission to Vesta and Ceres is managed by JPL for the agency's Science 
Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the 
directorate's Discovery Program, which is managed by NASA's Marshall 
Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. 

UCLA is responsible for Dawn mission science. Orbital Sciences Corp. 
of Dulles, Va., designed and built the spacecraft. The German 
Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, 
the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical 
Institute are part of the mission's team. 

To view the image and obtain more information about the Dawn mission, 

To follow the mission on Twitter, visit: 


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