NASA Selects Nonprofit to Manage Space Station National Lab Research

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July 13, 2011

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington                                         
RELEASE: 11-225


WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected the Center for the Advancement of 
Science in Space Inc. (CASIS) to develop and manage the U.S. portion 
of the International Space Station that will be operated as a 
national laboratory. At the conclusion of successful negotiations, 
the independent, nonprofit research management organization will help 
ensure the station's unique capabilities are available to the 
broadest possible cross-section of the U.S. scientific, technological 
and industrial communities. 

"The space station is the centerpiece of NASA's human spaceflight 
activities, and it is truly a national asset," NASA Administrator 
Charles Bolden said. "This agreement helps us ensure the station will 
be available for broad, meaningful and sustained use." 

CASIS will be located at the Space Life Sciences Laboratory near 
NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The organization will 
increase station use to maximize the public's return on its 
investment by managing its diversified research and development 
portfolio based on needs for basic and applied research in a variety 
of fields. CASIS will identify opportunities for non-NASA uses 
linking scientific review and economic value, and will match 
potential research and development opportunities with funding 
sources. The organization also will increase awareness among schools 
and students about using the station as a learning platform. 

NASA issued a cooperative agreement notice on Feb. 14 to seek a 
management partner for the portion of the station designated a 
national laboratory in 2005. The NASA Authorization Act of 2010, 
which extended station operations until at least 2020, also directed 
NASA to establish this organization. The cooperative agreement 
initially will have a value of up to $15 million per year. 

For more information about the International Space Station, visit: 

For more information about the space station as a national lab, visit: 


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