NASA Education Forum To Focus On Students' Vision For Future

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July 06, 2011

Ann Marie Trotta 
Headquarters, Washington                                         

RELEASE: 11-219


WASHINGTON -- NASA will host an education forum with more than 250 
college students on Thursday, July 7 at the Marriott World Center in 
Orlando. The event will focus on their vision for the future of 
America's space program. 

The forum will take place one day before the final space shuttle 
launch and is the agency's first-ever "unconference." A popular trend 
in the technology sector, an unconference has no set agenda or 
prescribed desired outcome. Instead, it offers an opportunity for the 
participants, primarily college students, to guide the discussions, 
encourage creative interaction and debate among the attendees. 

"We want our student participants to feel free to have an open 
dialogue about what is important to them in the context of space 
exploration, aeronautics, technology and robotics," said NASA 
Associate Administrator for Education Leland Melvin. "Sometimes 
having a set agenda or discussion topic can stifle creativity. These 
young people are our next generation of scientists, engineers and 
explorers. We encourage them to reach higher, and we are anxious to 
hear what exciting pursuits they envision for the future." 

The student participants will tour NASA's Kennedy Space Center in 
Florida and meet a NASA astronaut who will give them an overview of 
the final space shuttle mission. They also will witness shuttle 
Atlantis' launch. 

The agency began holding regular pre-launch education forums in August 
2007 with the STS-118 shuttle mission that carried teacher turned 
astronaut Barbara R. Morgan. NASA has a broad education program to 
encourage students to study science, technology, engineering and 
mathematics, also known as STEM. Maintaining a high-tech workforce is 
critical to NASA's future programs and will help the country remain 
innovative and competitive in the global market. 

For more information about NASA's education programs, visit: 


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