NASA's Pleiades Supercomputer Ranks Among World's Fastest

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June 20, 2011

Rachel Hoover/Jill Dunbar 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 
rachel.hoover@xxxxxxxx  / jill.dunbar@xxxxxxxx 

RELEASE: 11-194


WASHINGTON -- NASA's largest supercomputer is seventh on the TOP500 
list of the world's most powerful, high-performance computers. The 
announcement was made at the 26th International Supercomputing 
Conference in Hamburg, Germany. 

Pleiades, located at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, 
Calif., supports more than 1,000 active users around the country who 
are advancing our knowledge about the Earth, solar system and the 
universe. Pleiades is used to meet the computing needs on NASA's most 
demanding modeling and simulation projects in aeronautics; Earth and 
space science; exploration systems and technologies; and future space 

"We're really excited that Pleiades delivered nearly 83 percent of the 
theoretical peak performance," said Rupak Biswas, chief of the NASA 
Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames. "This means our 
science and engineering users get extremely efficient use of their 
computing time on the system. Reaching the sustained petaflop per 
second rate is a significant milestone for NASA and its industry 

Since last June, the NAS Division has implemented a series of 
expansions to the system's performance capabilities. The team 
recently added 14 new SGI(R) Altix(R) ICE 8400 systems so that 
Pleiades now contains 23,296 Intel(R) Xeon(R) quad- and hex-core 
processors (111,104 cores in 182 racks) that can run at a theoretical 
peak of approximately 1.32 quadrillion floating point operations, or 
calculations, per second. It achieved an official sustained rate of 
1.09 petaflop per second using the LINPACK benchmark, the industry 
standard for measuring a system's floating point computing power. 

Pleiades runs on three generations of Intel-based processors with 
varying memory per core across two generations of InfiniBand(R) 
technology. The latest hex-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) 5600 (Westmere) and 
earlier quad-core 5570 (Nehalem) processors run at a speed of 2.93 
GHz, while the original Pleiades 5400 (Harpertown) quad-core 
processors run at 3 GHz. 

Since its installation in 2008, scientists have run large-scale jobs 
on Pleiades to gain insight into Earth's ocean and climate 
variability; reduce harmful emissions from aircraft; and design 
future vehicles for planetary and space exploration. The system also 
has been critical to supporting debris damage assessment on space 
shuttle missions and gave managers data about critical decisions to 
perform repairs and clear the orbiter for safe landing. 

The NAS facility continues to feature the world's largest 
InfiniBand(R) interconnect network with 11,648 nodes and more than 63 
miles of cabling -- long enough to reach the "frontier of space" from 
the surface of Earth. The double data rate, quad data rate and hybrid 
cables interconnect Pleiades' nodes with mass data storage systems 
and the hyperwall-2 visualization system. This allows scientists to 
concurrently view and analyze their data while their computational 
jobs run, often leading to the discovery of previously unknown 
details in their ultra-large datasets. 

For more information about the Pleiades supercomputer, visit: 

For information about the TOP500 list, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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