NASA Gives News Media Access To Final Shuttle Simulations

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June 15, 2011

Joshua Buck 
Headquarters, Washington                                    

Kylie Clem 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 



HOUSTON -- As the final space shuttle training simulations take place 
at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, the agency is giving 
journalists an unprecedented view of the crew and Mission Control 
team training for the upcoming STS-135 mission. 

On Thursday, June 16, news media representatives can witness one of 
the final launch and ascent simulations conducted by the STS-135 
crew, flight controllers and simulation and training teams. The 
Johnson badging office opens at 6 a.m. CDT and journalists should 
arrive early to be ready for transportation to the training site at 7 

Reporters will be able to photograph the crew getting into the 
motion-based shuttle simulator and gather behind-the-scenes 
interviews and footage with the teams that train the astronauts 
before launch. Flight controllers who oversee the shuttle's 
performance from the ground also will be available. 

Filming and photographs will be allowed using only available light 
inside both the simulation control rooms and the space shuttle flight 
control room in the Mission Control Center. Reporters also will be 
able to listen to and record conversations between the crew and 
mission control, as well as between the flight director and his team 
as they work through mock shuttle launches. 

Following the simulation, STS-135 Commander Chris Ferguson, Pilot Doug 
Hurley and Mission Specialists Sandra Magnus and Rex Walheim and 
STS-135 Ascent Flight Director Richard Jones will be available for a 
question-and-answer session in mission control. NASA Television will 
air the event live at 1 p.m. The training team will be available for 
interviews afterward. 

On Friday, June 17, the space shuttle and space station flight 
controllers will practice the shuttle's final rendezvous and docking 
with the International Space Station. Reporters should arrive at 
Johnson's badging office by 10:30 a.m. for transportation to the 
training facility. 
Journalists will have access to Johnson's fixed-based shuttle 
simulator and can witness the STS-135 crew preparing for a mock 
terminal initiation burn and getting the shuttle ready for docking 
with the station. At noon, news media representatives will be 
escorted to mission control to tour the space shuttle flight control 
room and the space station training version. The flight control team 
will be practicing the shuttle's backflip as it approaches the 
station and the docking. Reporters will have access to the front of 
the room and can listen to the flight director's audio and the 
air-to-ground transmissions from the shuttle crew. The simulated 
docking is expected to begin at 2 p.m. 

Both training events will be recorded for broadcast on NASA TV. The 
schedule is below. 

June 16 
1 p.m. - Question-and-answer session with STS-135 crew and flight 
control team in space shuttle flight control room 
2 p.m. - Replay of STS-135 ascent simulation 

June 17 
3:30 p.m. - Replay of STS-135 rendezvous simulation with shuttle and 
station flight control teams 

For NASA TV downlink, schedule and streaming video information, visit: 

For more information about the mission and crew, visit: 


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