NASA Calls for Commercial Suborbital Flight Services Proposals

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May 26, 2011

David E. Steitz 
Headquarters, Washington 

Leslie Williams 
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif. 

RELEASE: 11-170


WASHINGTON -- NASA is seeking proposals for services from commercial 
suborbital flight providers and payload integrators to support the 
agency's Flight Opportunities Program, which is part of NASA's Office 
of the Chief Technologist. 

NASA will award contracts to multiple vendors capable of providing 
payload integration and flight services on commercial suborbital 
reusable launch vehicles. The flights will carry a variety of 
payloads to help meet the agency's technology and innovation goals 
enabling future missions and benefiting America's commercial 
aerospace industries. 

"Partnering with U.S. suborbital reusable launch vehicle providers for 
integration of technology payloads and launch services is an 
effective way to use the innovations of American industry while 
meeting the technology development needs of the nation's space 
program," said NASA Chief Technologist Bobby Braun at the agency's 
headquarters in Washington. 

NASA's Office of Chief Technologist intends to mature crosscutting 
technologies to flight readiness status for future space missions. As 
part of this strategy, NASA will provide frequent flight 
opportunities for payloads on suborbital reusable launch vehicles 
capable of flying to various altitudes, including above 62 miles, but 
not reaching low-Earth orbit. 

Each successful vendor will receive an indefinite-delivery, 
indefinite-quantity contract. This request for proposals is a 
continuation of efforts aligned with the NASA Authorization Act of 
2010, with funding provided by the fiscal year 2011 Continuing 

The Flight Opportunities Program is managed at NASA's Dryden Flight 
Research Center in Edwards, Calif. It combines the Facilitated Access 
to the Space environment for Technology and Commercial Reusable 
Suborbital Research efforts. 

For more information about the request for proposals, visit: 


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