NASA Announces Key Decision For Next Deep Space Transportation System

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May 24, 2011

Michael Braukus/J.D. Harrington 
Headquarters, Washington 
michael.j.braukus@xxxxxxxx  j.d.harrington@xxxxxxxx 

Josh Byerly 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 11-164


WASHINGTON -- NASA has reached an important milestone for the next 
U.S. transportation system that will carry humans into deep space. 
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden announced today that the system 
will be based on designs originally planned for the Orion Crew 
Exploration Vehicle. Those plans now will be used to develop a new 
spacecraft known as the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV). 

"We are committed to human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit and look 
forward to developing the next generation of systems to take us 
there," Bolden said. "The NASA Authorization Act lays out a clear 
path forward for us by handing off transportation to the 
International Space Station to our private sector partners, so we can 
focus on deep space exploration. As we aggressively continue our work 
on a heavy lift launch vehicle, we are moving forward with an 
existing contract to keep development of our new crew vehicle on 

Lockheed Martin Corp. will continue working to develop the MPCV. The 
spacecraft will carry four astronauts for 21-day missions and be able 
to land in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast. The spacecraft 
will have a pressurized volume of 690 cubic feet, with 316 cubic feet 
of habitable space. It is designed to be 10 times safer during ascent 
and entry than its predecessor, the space shuttle. 

"This selection does not indicate a business as usual mentality for 
NASA programs," said Douglas Cooke, associate administrator for the 
agency's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate in Washington. "The 
Orion government and industry team has shown exceptional creativity 
in finding ways to keep costs down through management techniques, 
technical solutions and innovation." 

To learn more about the development of the MPCV, visit: 


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