NASA And Tech Partners Encourage Information Exchange

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May 16, 2011

Katherine Trinidad 
Headquarters, Washington      

Elizabeth Sabet 
Random Hacks of Kindness, New York 

RELEASE: 11-149


WASHINGTON -- NASA, Google, HP, Microsoft, The World Bank and Yahoo! 
are inviting software developers, independent computer experts and 
students to participate in the Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) event 
on June 4 and 5 at several worldwide locations. 

RHoK is a "hackathon" that brings together the best hackers from 
around the world to use their skills to make the world a better place 
by building a community of innovation. They volunteer their time to 
develop new approaches to disaster relief challenges. 

"NASA encourages RHoK developers to use open data sets to create 
cutting edge applications that can help solve global challenges," 
said NASA's Chief Information Officer Linda Cureton. "We are excited 
to support RHoK and explore new ways NASA data can help the world." 

RHoK also is an opportunity to meet and work with top software 
developers and experts, create new applications and win prizes. 
Events are planned in Hartford, Conn., Philadelphia, Atlanta, Seattle 
and Silicon Valley. International venues are in Berlin; Toronto; 
Aarhus, Denmark; Basel, Switzerland; Bangalore, India; Buenos Aires; 
Kampala, Uganda; Lusaka, Zambia; Melbourne, Australia; Nairobi, 
Kenya; Trento, Italy; and Santiago, Chile. 

During past events, participants worked on applications that are 
already making an impact. "I'm OK," a service that lets people inform 
their families about their status, was used during the earthquakes in 
Haiti and Chile in 2010. The World Bank is piloting software for 
visualizing landslide risk in the Caribbean. Other apps have received 
support and interest from government and non-government organizations 
around the world. 

For more information about the RHoK, the event and registration, 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:   


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