NASA Announces 2011 Aeronautics Scholarship Recipients

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May 10, 2011

Beth Dickey 
Headquarters, Washington                                     

RELEASE: 11-140


WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected 25 graduate and undergraduate students 
from across the country to receive aeronautics scholarships for the 
next school year. 

NASA selected the students from hundreds of applicants. The 
Aeronautics Scholarships Program, which is in its fourth year, aids 
students enrolled in fields related to aeronautics and aviation 

"We are proud to welcome these scholars to the NASA family as members 
of a nationwide team of researchers who are pursuing an ambitious set 
of aeronautics technology development goals," said Jaiwon Shin, 
associate administrator for NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission 
Directorate at the agency's headquarters in Washington. "We are 
excited about this opportunity to act as mentors, and we fully expect 
the students will teach us a few things too. We especially look 
forward to the fresh ideas they will contribute to our pursuit of 
solutions for some of the most pressing challenges facing the air 
transportation system today." 

Selected students will have the opportunity to intern with NASA 
researchers and directly work on projects such as managing air 
traffic more efficiently; reducing noise, fuel consumption and 
emissions; and improving safety. 

Twenty undergraduate scholarship winners will receive $15,000 per year 
to cover tuition costs for two years and a $10,000 stipend during a 
summer internship with NASA. Five graduate scholarship winners will 
receive approximately $35,000 per year for up to three years and 
$10,000 stipends for two summer internships. To maintain the 
scholarship awards, all recipients must continue to meet the academic 
standards of the universities they attend. 

This year's recipients are enrolled at universities in Colorado, 
Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New 
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Texas. To see the 2011 
scholarship recipients' names and their schools on an interactive 
U.S. map, visit: 

The program annually awards 20 two-year undergraduate scholarships 
plus summer internships, and five two- or three-year graduate 
scholarships plus summer internships. 

In September, students can apply online for 2012 aeronautics 
scholarships. Applicants must be citizens of the United States or its 
territories. The application requirements include information about 
the students' proposed areas of study. 

For more information about aeronautics research at NASA, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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