NASA Seeks Partners To Manage Night Rover, Nano-Sat Launcher Challenges

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March 10, 2011

David E. Steitz 
Headquarters, Washington           
RELEASE: 11-072


WASHINGTON -- NASA is seeking partner organizations to manage the 
agency's upcoming Night Rover and Nano-Satellite Launcher Centennial 

NASA's Centennial Challenges are prize competitions for technological 
achievements by independent teams who work without government 
funding. The challenges are extended to individuals, groups and 
companies working outside the traditional aerospace industry. Unlike 
most contracts or grants, awards only are made after solutions are 
successfully demonstrated. 

"We're looking for allied organizations that recognize the tremendous 
value these citizen-inventor, entrepreneur, small business and 
university teams bring to the innovation engine in America," said 
Bobby Braun, NASA chief technologist at NASA Headquarters in 
Washington. "Centennial Challenges is another catalyst for the United 
States to out-innovate the rest of the world in a new, 
technology-based economy." 

Teams competing in the Night Rover Challenge will need to demonstrate 
a solar-powered exploration vehicle that can operate in darkness, 
using its own stored energy. NASA is offering a prize purse is $1.5 
million for the rover challenge. The Nano-Satellite Launcher 
Challenge is to place a small satellite into Earth orbit, twice in 
one week, with a prize purse of $2 million. 

The objective of the Night Rover Challenge is to stimulate innovations 
in energy storage technologies of value in extreme space 
environments, such as the surface of the moon, or for electric 
vehicles and renewable energy systems on Earth. Currently, the 
solar-powered Mars rovers "go to sleep" during the Martian night. 
NASA hopes the Night Rover Challenge will generate new ideas that 
will allow planetary rovers the ability to take on a night shift, and 
possibly create new energy storage technologies for applications on 
our home planet. 

The Nano-Satellite Launcher Challenge goal is to stimulate innovations 
in low-cost launch technology for frequent access to Earth orbit 
while encouraging creation of commercial nano-satellite delivery 
services. Decreasing the cost of reliably sending small payloads to 
Earth orbit in a timely manner could create entire new markets for 
U.S. businesses and provide opportunities for students and 
researchers to harness the environment of space for technology 
development and innovative problem solving. 

Centennial Challenge events typically include media and public 
audiences, and may be televised on NASA Television or streamed 
online. NASA's agency website also covers the competitions. The 
competitions provide high-visibility opportunities to partner 
organizations and sponsors for public outreach. 

NASA will choose U.S. non-profit organizations to manage the contests 
from proposals in response to agency opportunity notices available 
at: and 

The organizations that will manage the challenges also will seek 
sponsors and teams, and conduct publicity and administration of the 
actual contests. Once selected, the allied organizations will 
collaborate with NASA to announce challenge rules and details on how 
teams may enter. 

Allied organizations generally seek sponsorships of all monetary sizes 
and in-kind contributions while providing public recognition to 
competition sponsors. Arrangements for competition sponsorships will 
be negotiated directly between the allied organizations and the 
sponsors and may include competition naming rights for significant 

NASA also is seeking private and corporate sponsors for the Strong 
Tether, Power Beaming, Green Flight and Sample Return Robot 
Challenges. NASA is looking for companies, organizations or 
individuals interested in sponsoring the non-profit allied 
organizations that manage the prize competitions. 

Potential sponsors include for-profit companies and corporations, 
universities and other non-profit or educational organizations, 
professional or public organizations, and individuals. Those 
interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities should respond to 
a Request for Information at: 

For more information about NASA's Centennial Challenges Program, 

For more information about NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist, 


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