NASA-Sponsored Research Explains Missing Sunspots

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March 02, 2011

Trent J. Perrotto 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 11-059


WASHINGTON -- NASA-sponsored research has resulted in the first 
computer model that explains the recent period of decreased solar 
activity during the sun's 11-year cycle. 

This recent solar minimum, a period characterized by a lower frequency 
of sunspots and solar storms, was the deepest observed in almost 100 
years. The solar minimum has repercussions on the safety of space 
travel and the amount of orbital debris our planet accumulates. 

Solar scientists around the world were puzzled by the extended 
disappearance of sunspots in 2008-2009. Results published in 
Thursday's edition of Nature indicate the mystery may be solved. 

"Plasma currents deep inside the sun interfered with the formation of 
sunspots and prolonged the solar minimum," says lead author Dibyendu 
Nandi of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in 

During this deep solar minimum, the sun's magnetic field weakened, 
allowing cosmic rays to penetrate the solar system in record numbers, 
making space a more dangerous place to travel. At the same time, the 
decrease in ultraviolet radiation caused Earth's upper atmosphere to 
cool and collapse. 

As a consequence space debris stopped decaying and started 
accumulating in Earth orbit due to increased atmospheric drag. These 
effects demonstrate the importance of understanding the entire solar 
cycle, during both minimum and maximum. 

Observations from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will 
eventually provide measurements that could validate the current model 
and provide the basis for future solar cycle prediction. 

"This research demonstrates how observations from Heliophysics System 
Observatory missions stimulate new theories and advance modeling 
techniques," said Richard Fisher, director of the Heliophysics 
Division in NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's 
headquarters in Washington. 

This research was funded by NASA's Living With a Star Program and the 
Department of Science and Technology of the government of India. 

For more information about the research, visit:   


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