NASA Deputy Administrator Visits Colorado Innovation Sites

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Feb. 5, 2011

David Weaver 
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 11-035


WASHINGTON -- NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver visited Boulder, 
Colo. today to meet with entrepreneurs and discuss innovations in 
space exploration and technology development critical to America's 
future in space. 

Garver toured the facilities of Sierra Nevada Corporation, a company 
with wide involvement in developing technologies for space 
exploration. The company's Dream Chaser vehicle is under development 
with support from NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) Program 
to provide crew transportation to and from low Earth orbit. 

"It's a pleasure to see commercial space making rapid progress in 
Colorado," Garver said. "As NASA becomes more nimble, companies like 
Sierra Nevada and others will help the U.S. out-innovate, out-educate 
and out-build any competitor in the world." 

As NASA focuses on a renewed program of technology development to 
reach destinations farther in the solar system, it will continue a 
vigorous program of human spaceflight aboard the International Space 
Station and foster a growing commercial space industry with the 
capability to produce jobs and economic benefits. 

"We are extremely pleased to be working with NASA in the development 
of our Dream Chaser Orbital Space Vehicle," said Mark N. Sirangelo, 
head of Sierra Nevada's Space Systems Group. "The extensive 
knowledge, terrific support and expertise NASA is providing have 
enabled us to advance our program significantly. We are now ahead of 
schedule and in production of our first flight vehicle because of 
NASA and the CCDev program." 

The NASA Authorization Act of 2010, passed with strong bipartisan 
support, calls on NASA to pursue commercial access to space and 
extend the life of the space station to at least 2020. Along with 
these goals, the act directs the agency to open multiple pathways to 
innovate and develop new capabilities for the exploration missions of 
the future. 

For more information about NASA's commercial crew and cargo 
initiatives, visit: 

For more information about Sierra Nevada Corporation, visit: 


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