NASA Selects Companies for Further Lunar Demonstrations Data

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Dec. 20, 2010

J.D. Harrington 
Headquarters, Washington                                    

Josh Byerly 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 
RELEASE: 10-344


WASHINGTON -- NASA has issued delivery orders to three companies as 
part of its Innovative Lunar Demonstrations Data (ILDD) project. Each 
order is worth $500,000 and will help develop vehicle capabilities 
and demonstrate end-to-end robotic lunar landing missions. 

The three companies selected are: 

-- Astrobotic Technology Inc., Pittsburgh 
-- Dynetics Inc., Huntsville, Ala. 
-- Moon Express Inc., San Francisco 

These companies are among six that received ILDD contract awards in 
October. After issuing the ILDD Broad Agency Announcement, NASA 
awarded six firm-fixed price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity 
contracts, with a potential total value for all awarded contracts of 
up to $30.1 million during a period of up to five years. 

After those awards, each ILDD contractor submitted System Definition 
Review (SDR) packages, in which they identified their top risks. NASA 
invited the ILDD contractors in November to propose task plans for 
the delivery of data associated with a critical component 
demonstration test that addresses one or more of the SDR risk items. 
In response to the delivery orders NASA is now issuing, each of the 
three selected companies is expected to provide data capturing these 

The ILDD contracts also provide for issuing subsequent delivery orders 
that will specify data associated with system testing and 
integration, launch, in-space maneuvers, braking burns, lunar landing 
and other enhanced capabilities. Knowledge acquired from this data 
will be applied to the development of lander systems necessary to 
execute human and robotic missions to the moon, near-Earth asteroids 
or other solar system destinations. The data also will contribute to 
NASA's efforts to enable affordable and sustainable space 

The ILDD contracts are being managed by the Exploration Missions and 
Systems Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. 

For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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