DOE and NASA Reach Cleanup Agreements with the State of California for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

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Dec. 6, 2010

David Weaver 
Headquarters, Washington                                    
RELEASE: 10-326


WASHINGTON -- The Department of Energy and NASA signed Administrative 
Orders on Consent (AOC) with the California Environmental Protection 
Agency today that define the process for the characterization and 
cleanup end-state of portions of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory 

The agreements come after more than 10 months of negotiations and 
extensive public comment on the conceptual framework for cleanup 
outlined in the Agreement in Principle and additional public comment 
on the legally enforceable process and procedures in the draft 
Administrative Order on Consent. 

"By working closely with the State of California, we have reached an 
historic agreement that will allow the Department to carry out its 
important cleanup work and protect the health of both the surrounding 
community and the environment," Secretary of Energy Steven Chu said. 

"NASA is pleased to join with the Department of Energy and the State 
of California in signing these agreements and will do its part to 
assist with the Santa Susanna cleanup," NASA Administrator Charles 
Bolden said. "We are committed to working with these partners to 
address the environmental concerns at this former test site." 

U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., chairman of the Senate Committee on 
Environment and Public Works, said: "The landmark agreements 
announced today between NASA, the Department of Energy and the State 
of California are an important step toward real protection for 
families who live near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. For many 
years, I have strongly supported the state's and communities' efforts 
to ensure that a comprehensive cleanup is conducted at Santa Susana 
that protects the health of the public, including children and 
pregnant women. I am pleased that NASA and the Department of Energy 
have stepped up to the plate and agreed to clean up the Santa Susana 
site to the levels California has determined will provide the 
greatest protection to nearby communities." 

DOE's agreement is a commitment to clean up Area IV and the Northern 
Buffer Zone of the SSFL to background levels for both chemical and 
radiological constituents. 

DOE's AOC includes several key steps needed to reach the desired 
end-state of a cleanup to background. 
-     The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) will determine 
the radiological background for each radionuclide based upon its 
on-going radiological background study. 
-     The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) 
will determine the chemical background for each potential chemical 
constituent based upon its on-going chemical background study. 
-     The USEPA will determine, through the ongoing radiological 
characterization survey, the nature and extent of any remaining 
radiological contamination. 
-     DTSC will determine the nature and extent of any remaining 
chemical contamination based on the previously submitted chemical 
sampling results, results from co-locating samples with USEPA for 
chemical analysis, and any DTSC determined necessary additional 
-     A major component of the framework is the involvement of USEPA 
to serve as technical advisor to DTSC and DOE. USEPA will perform 
confirmatory sampling after DOE has completed cleanup to help ensure 
all cleanup goals have been met. USEPA also will approve for use DOE 
identified areas of backfill. 
In addition to providing the legal framework for the agreement, the 
Administrative Order on Consent also outlines a process to address 
the court-ordered Environmental Impact Statement. 

The Administrative Order on Consent can be found at: 

NASA is responsible for the environmental cleanup of the federal real 
property at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. The NASA-held 
(federal) portion of the site has been used historically for the 
research, development and testing of rocket engines associated with 
the Apollo and Space Shuttle Programs. Under NASA's AOC, the agency 
will work with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control 
to determine the chemical background for each potential chemical 
constituent, based on its on-going chemical background study. The 
agency also will work with DTSC to determine the nature and extent of 
any remaining chemical contamination based on the previously 
submitted chemical sampling results, and any DTSC-determined 
necessary additional sampling. 
Originally developed as a remote site to test rocket engines and 
conduct nuclear research, the 2,850-acre SSFL, located in the hills 
between Chatsworth and Simi Valley, is owned primarily by the Boeing 
Company, with small portions administered by NASA. The former Atomic 
Energy Commission conducted nuclear research on nuclear-powered space 
vehicles and sodium coolant mediums at 10 small reactors at the 
Energy Technology Engineering Center -- 90 acres within SSFL Area IV 
-- from the 1950s until 1988.      


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