NASA Targets Shuttle Discovery's Launch For No Earlier Than Feb. 3

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Dec. 03, 2010

Stephanie Schierholz 
Headquarters, Washington      

Kyle Herring 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 10-321


WASHINGTON -- NASA managers have targeted space shuttle Discovery's 
launch for no earlier than Feb. 3 at 1:34 a.m. EST. Shuttle managers 
determined more tests and analysis are needed before proceeding with 
the launch of the STS-133 mission to the International Space Station. 

The Program Requirements Control Board met Thursday and reviewed 
engineering evaluations associated with cracks on two 21-foot-long, 
U-shaped aluminum brackets, called stringers, on the shuttle's 
external tank. NASA repaired the cracks and reapplied foam to the 
exterior of the stringers. 

Managers decided the analysis and tests required to launch Discovery 
safely are not complete. They are planning to conduct an instrumented 
test on the external fuel tank and structural evaluations on stringer 
test articles to determine if the analysis is correct. Details and 
timelines for the tanking test are in work, but plans call for 
temperature and strain gauge measurements in the intertank region 
near the top of the tank during the test. 

The test also will verify the integrity of repairs made earlier when 
two cracked stringer sections and foam were replaced. A team of 
engineers and technicians will inspect the tank for evidence of any 
foam cracking as it would on an actual launch day. The test also will 
verify the integrity of repairs to the Ground Umbilical Carrier 
Plate, which leaked an unsafe amount of gaseous hydrogen during 
Discovery's Nov. 5 launch attempt. The date of the test is under 
evaluation, but likely will occur this month. 

Engineers will continue to search for the root cause of the stringer 
cracks through data analysis and tests, including placement of 
manufacturing defects in separate stringers to demonstrate structural 
integrity in an effort to duplicate the same type of failure that 
occurred in November. 

NASA will review and analyze the data from the tests before setting a 
launch date. Because of Discovery's delayed launch, the earliest 
opportunity for the liftoff of the final scheduled shuttle mission, 
STS-134 on Endeavour, is April 1. 

For continued STS-133 updates as well as crew and mission information, 


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