NASA Software Promotes Airline Fuel Efficiency

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Oct. 26, 2010

Beth Dickey 
Headquarters, Washington      

Karen Jenvey 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 

RELEASE: 10-280


MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. -- Software developed at NASA's Ames Research 
Center at Moffett Field, Calif., is enabling major fuel savings for 
airlines and an increase in environmental efficiency. 

The Ames Direct-To software is a product of NASA aeronautics research 
in air traffic management. The software has been adopted by The 
Boeing Company for commercial use. Boeing intends to offer airlines 
the opportunity to subscribe next year to a new air traffic 
efficiency service that uses the software. 

"We're delighted that Boeing is using NASA technology for 
environmental benefit," said Ames Center Director Pete Worden. 

Direct-To enables airlines to save fuel and reduce emissions by 
automatically identifying flight route shortcuts that are 
wind-favorable and acceptable to air traffic controllers. NASA 
demonstrated Direct-To's potential to reduce fuel consumption in the 
airspace around Dallas-Fort Worth in 2001. 

"We estimated a potential combined savings of about 900 flying minutes 
per day for all aircraft in the demonstration airspace," said David 
McNally, the project principal investigator at Ames. 

Boeing incorporated the technology into its subscription-based Direct 
Routes. It is part of the company's InFlight Optimization Services 
that help airlines save fuel and increase environmental efficiency. 

Direct Routes automatically alerts an airline's operations center and 
flight crew when a simple, more fuel-efficient path opens up along an 
airplane's intended route. The software potentially could save tens 
of thousands of flight minutes per year for a medium-sized U.S. 

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