NASA Wants Student Innovators For 2011 Great Moonbuggy Race

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Oct. 14, 2010

Ann Marie Trotta 
Headquarters, Washington 

Angela Storey 
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 

RELEASE: 10-262


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. -- Four decades after the first NASA lunar rover 
rolled across the surface of the moon, innovative students are 
preparing to design and build a new generation of wheeled wonders. 

Registration is open for the 18th annual NASA Great Moonbuggy Race, 
set for April 1-2, 2011, in Huntsville, Ala. Participating schools 
and institutions may register one or two vehicles and teams. 
Registration closes Feb. 1. 

For complete rules, vehicle design parameters and registration for the 
race, visit: 

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center organizes the races held at the 
U.S. Space & Rocket Center, both in Huntsville. The event challenges 
high school and college students to design, build and race 
lightweight, human-powered "moonbuggies." 

The first rover was developed, built and tested at Marshall in just 17 
months. The rover's inaugural trip across the moon's surface took 
place on July 31, 1971. It was driven by Apollo 15 astronauts David 
Scott and James Irwin. Two more rovers followed, enabling expanded 
scientific exploration during the Apollo 16 and 17 missions in 1972. 

NASA Great Moonbuggy Race teams carry on the tradition of engineering 
ingenuity. The teams attempt to post the fastest vehicle assembly and 
race times in their divisions, while incurring the fewest penalties 
on a challenging course simulating the rocky, unforgiving surface of 
the moon. 

Prizes are awarded to the three teams in each division that finish 
with the fastest race times. NASA and industry sponsors present 
additional awards for team spirit, best newcomer, most memorable 
buggy wipeout and other achievements. 

In 2010, for the first time, the victors in the high school and 
college divisions were both from outside the continental United 
States. The International Space Education Institute of Leipzig, 
Germany, raced to a winning time of just 3 minutes, 37 seconds in the 
high school category. The University of Puerto Rico in Humacao, the 
only school to enter a moonbuggy every year since the races began in 
1994, won the college division with a time of 4 minutes, 18 seconds. 

Participation in the race has increased from just eight college teams 
in 1994 to more than 70 high school and college national and 
international teams in 2010. The high school division was added in 

More than 32,000 people watched live, streaming coverage of the 2010 
race on UStream, an interactive, real-time webcasting platform. For 
archived footage of the competition, visit: 

For images and additional information about previous races, visit:   

For more information about NASA education programs, visit: 



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