Statement By The NASA Administrator On The Chilean Miners Rescue

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Oct. 13, 2010

David Weaver 
Headquarters, Washington      

RELEASE: 10-258


WASHINGTON -- The following is a statement from NASA Administrator 
Charles Bolden on the rescue effort for the Chilean miners. 

"On behalf of the entire NASA family, I want to ask that our heartfelt 
thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the courageous miners, 
their families and friends, and the dedicated people who have been 
working to safely reach those who are still trapped underground. 

"There is a lot of hard work ahead for rescuers, but the Chilean 
government and the people of that great nation should be praised for 
their steadfast determination. Their unwavering commitment is the 
reason we are witness to the joyful and emotional reunions today as 
the miners are returned to the surface one-by-one. 

"I also want to express my personal thanks to the Americans who have 
assisted in this heroic effort, and specifically the NASA team that 
traveled to Chile in the early days of the crisis. For decades, the 
people of this agency have learned to live, work, and survive in the 
hostile environment of space. Our expertise in maintaining 
physiological and psychological health, and our technical and 
engineering experience in spacecraft design all proved to be valuable 
in a situation that is far from our traditional scope of work. 

"I am proud of the people of this agency who were able to bring the 
experience of spaceflight down to Earth when it was needed most. As 
the drama of this recue continues to unfold before us, we pray for 
the safe return of each and every miner." 

For more information about NASA and the miners rescue, visit:   


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