International Partners Update Space Station Launch Manifest

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Oct. 1, 2010

John Yembrick 
Headquarters, Washington      

Kyle Herring 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 10-242


WASHINGTON -- NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian 
Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) agreed on Friday to update the 
International Space Station launch schedule. 

The target launch dates for the last planned space shuttle flight, 
STS-134 on Endeavour, will be Feb. 27, 2011, and the Automated 
Transfer Vehicle-2 (ATV-2) will be Feb. 15. Roscosmos will continue 
to look at Soyuz launch and landing options to provide manifest 

The agencies agreed to the changes during discussions at the 
International Astronautical Conference in Prague. Arianespace, whose 
Ariane 5 rocket will launch ATV-2 into orbit from French Guiana, has 
confirmed its commitment to launch on Feb. 15. 

The STS-134 flight will deliver the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) 
to the station. The AMS is a state-of-the-art cosmic ray particle 
physics detector designed to examine fundamental issues about matter, 
and the origin and structure of the universe. The flight will include 
three spacewalks and the installation of the AMS to the exterior of 
the space station using both the shuttle and station arms. 

ATV-2, dubbed Johannes Kepler, is scheduled to dock on Feb. 26 to the 
station. The cargo craft is designed to deliver more than seven tons 
of experiments, fuel, water, food and other supplies to the space 
station. While docked, ATV-2 will use its thrusters to periodically 
boost the station's orbit, which decays with time. It also can be 
used for emergency maneuvers, such as those required if a piece of 
space debris is predicted to hit the station. This capability saves 
critical attitude control propellant for the station. 

After about 3.5 months, the ATV-2 will undock from the station and 
burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere over an uninhabited area of the 
Pacific Ocean. The first ATV, Jules Verne, was launched in March 2008 
and reentered the atmosphere in September 2008. 

The space station launch manifest is available at: 

For details about upcoming shuttle missions and crews, visit: 

For more information about ATV-2, visit ESA at: 

For more information about the Ariane 5 launch vehicle, visit: 

For more information about the space station, visit: 


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