NASA Administrator Thanks Congress for 2010 Authorization Act Support

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Sep. 29, 2010

David Weaver 
Headquarters, Washington                                         
RELEASE: 10-238


WASHINGTON -- The following is a statement from NASA Administrator 
Charles Bolden regarding Wednesday's action by the House of 
Representatives on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
Authorization Act of 2010. 

"We thank the Congress for their thoughtful deliberations about NASA's 
future over the past months. Both the House and the Senate provided 
insight, ideas and direction that were truly exemplary of the 
democratic process. It is clear that our space program inspires 
passion and dedication across party lines, and for that we are truly 

"This important vote today in the House of Representatives on a 
comprehensive NASA authorization charts a vital new future for the 
course of human space exploration. We are grateful that the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2010 
received strong support in the House after its clearance in the 
Senate, and can now be sent on to the President for his signature. 

"The President has laid out an ambitious new plan for NASA that 
pioneers new frontiers of innovation and discovery. The plan invests 
more in NASA; extends the life of the International Space Station; 
launches a commercial space transportation industry; fosters the 
development of path-breaking technologies; and helps create thousands 
of new jobs. Passage of this bill represents an important step 
forward towards helping us achieve the key goals set by the 

"This important change in direction will not only help us chart a new 
path in space, but can help us retool for the industries and jobs of 
the future that will be vital for long term economic growth. 

"NASA appreciates all of the hard work and effort that has gone into 
advancing this legislation." 

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