International Space Station Expedition 24 Crew Lands Safely

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Sep. 25, 2010

John Yembrick 
Headquarters, Washington      

Kelly Humphries 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

RELEASE: 10-231


WASHINGTON -- Expedition 24 Commander Alexander Skvortsov and Flight 
Engineers Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Mikhail Kornienko landed their 
Soyuz TMA-18 spacecraft in Kazakhstan on Saturday, Sept. 25, wrapping 
up a six-month stay aboard the International Space Station. 

Skvortsov, the Soyuz commander, was at the controls of the spacecraft 
as it undocked at 10:02 p.m. EDT Friday from the Poisk module's 
docking port on the station's Zvezda module. The undocking and 
landing occurred a day later than planned because of a hatch sensor 
problem Thursday night. That problem prevented hooks on the Poisk 
side of the docking mechanism from opening. Station crew members 
installed a series of jumper cables, bypassing the sensor, and the 
Poisk module hooks retracted. 

Following undocking and a normal descent, the crew landed at 1:23 a.m. 
near Arkalyk, Kazakhstan. 

Russian recovery teams were on hand to help the crew exit the Soyuz 
vehicle and adjust to gravity after 176 days in space. Skvortsov and 
Kornienko will return Saturday to the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training 
Center in Star City, outside of Moscow. 

The trio launched aboard the Soyuz TMA-18 spacecraft from the Baikonur 
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in April. As members of the Expedition 23 
and 24 crews, they spent 174 days on the station. Caldwell Dyson and 
Expedition 25 Commander Doug Wheelock conducted three spacewalks to 
replace a faulty cooling pump module on the station's backbone, known 
as the truss. Kornienko conducted one spacewalk to prepare the 
recently delivered Russian Rassvet Module for future automated 
dockings by Russian spacecraft. 

The station is occupied by Wheelock, who assumed command of the 
station Wednesday, NASA Flight Engineer Shannon Walker, and Russian 
Flight Engineer Fyodor Yurchikhin, who arrived in mid-June. 

A new trio of Expedition 25 crew members - NASA astronaut Scott Kelly 
and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Kaleri and Oleg Skripochka - will 
launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Oct. 7 (Oct. 8 in Kazakhstan) 
and arrive on the station about 48 hours later. 

For more information about the space station, visit: 

To follow Twitter updates from Expedition 24/25 crew member Wheelock 
and Exp. 26 Commander Kelly, visit: 


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