NASA Awards Launch Services Contracts

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Sep. 16, 2010

John Yembrick 
Headquarters, Washington      

George H. Diller 
Kennedy Space Center 



CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- NASA has announced the awards for the NASA 
Launch Services (NLS) II Contract. The award will provide a broad 
range of launch services for NASA's planetary, Earth-observing, 
exploration and scientific satellites. 

NASA has the ability to order a maximum of 70 launch services missions 
with a maximum cumulative potential contract value of $15 billion. 
The NLS II contracts are multiple award indefinite 
delivery/indefinite quantity, spanning a 10-year period. 

NASA selected four companies for awards: Lockheed Martin Space Systems 
Company of Denver; Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, Va.; Space 
Exploration Technologies of Hawthorne, Calif.; and United Launch 
Services, LLC of Littleton, Colo. 

The NLS contracts provide for a minimum capability of delivering 
agency payloads weighing approximately 550 pounds or more to a 
minimum 124-mile-high circular orbit with a launch inclination of 
28.5 degrees. The launch service provider also may offer a range of 
vehicles to NASA to meet higher payload weight and orbit 
requirements. In addition, there is an annual opportunity for 
additional providers and incumbents to submit proposals introducing 
launch services not available at the time of award, if they meet the 
minimum contract requirements. 

The NLS II contracts support the goals and objectives of the agency's 
Science Mission Directorate, Space Operations Mission Directorate and 
Exploration Systems Mission Directorate. Under the contract, NASA 
also will provide launch services to other government agencies, such 
as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

NASA's Launch Services Program Office at the Kennedy Space Center in 
Florida is responsible for program management. 

For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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