NASA Extends International Space Station Contract

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Sep. 14, 2010

Michael Curie 
Headquarters, Washington      

Kelly Humphries 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 


WASHINGTON -- NASA has awarded a five-year, $1.24 billion contract 
extension to The Boeing Co. to continue engineering support of the 
International Space Station through Sept. 30, 2015. 

Work under the contract extension is intended to maintain the station 
at peak performance levels so the full value of the unique research 
laboratory is available to NASA, its international partners, other 
U.S. government agencies and private companies. NASA officially 
accepted the space station from Boeing at the conclusion of a March 
2010 Acceptance Review Board that verified the delivery, assembly, 
integration and activation of all hardware and software required by 
the contract. The acceptance signified the transition from assembly 
of the station to utilization. 

This action extends the space station's Vehicle Sustaining Engineering 
Contract, which was originally awarded in January 1995 and most 
recently extended in 2008. The extension brings the total contract 
value through the end of fiscal year 2015 to $16.2 billion. 

Work under the contract extension will include sustaining engineering 
of station hardware and software, and support of U.S. hardware and 
software provided to international partners and participants in the 
station program. The extension also includes end-to-end subsystem 
management for the majority of station systems, including materials 
and processes, electrical, electronic, and electromechanical parts, 
environments and electromagnetic effects. 

NASA and its international partner agencies are in the final stages of 
analyzing the ability to sustain station operations through 2020 and 
awaiting formal confirmation of this goal by the governments of 
participating countries. This contract extension also includes 
assessment of the feasibility of extending the life of the primary 
structural hardware that was installed in orbit through the end of 

The work will be performed at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, 
Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Marshall Space Flight Center in 
Huntsville, Ala., and at other domestic and international locations. 

For more information about the space station, visit: 


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