NASA Receives Spirit Of Houston Award

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Aug. 27, 2010

Katherine Trinidad 
Headquarters, Washington                                

Kylie Clem 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 

Susan Christian 
City of Houston 
RELEASE: 10-201


HOUSTON -- NASA Administrator Charles Bolden accepted the Spirit of 
Houston Award from the city's Mayor Annise Parker on Thursday. The 
award was established in 2004 to honor Houstonians who motivated 
their fellow citizens with their everyday acts of leadership. 

"It is an honor to accept the 2010 Spirit of Houston Award on behalf 
of all of the men and women of NASA," Bolden said. "Every one of us 
is absolutely committed to a vibrant future for exploration and 
improving life on Earth." 

Parker recommended the NASA workforce receive the city's annual award 
for the iconic contributions they have made throughout the agency's 
history. It was presented at Houston's 174th Birthday Celebration at 
the George R. Brown Convention Center. 

The theme for this year's birthday event was "Houston, We Have the 
Moon and the Stars!" Former astronaut Bernard A. Harris Jr. was 
inducted into the 2010 Houston Hall of Fame at the event. 

Earlier Thursday, Parker proclaimed Aug. 26, 2010, as "The NASA Family 
Spirit of Houston Day." The proclamation stated the "dedicated 
workforce reaches beyond the boundaries of the Johnson Space Center 
campus and makes Houston a better community at large." 

For more than 50 years, NASA and its workforce have powered Houston 
and the nation into the 21st century through accomplishments that are 
enduring milestones of human achievement. Among those accomplishments 
are technological innovations and scientific discoveries that have 
improved lives on Earth. 

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