NASA Asks Public for Final Shuttle Missions' Wakeup Songs

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Aug. 20, 2010

John Yembrick 
Headquarters, Washington                                    

Kyle Herring 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 
RELEASE: 10-193


HOUSTON -- If you like music, the space program and are a little 
nostalgic, NASA has the perfect opportunity for you. For the first 
time, the public can help choose songs to wake up the astronauts 
during the last two scheduled space shuttle missions. 

Traditionally, the songs played to wake up the astronauts are selected 
by friends and family of the crews. For the last two scheduled 
missions, NASA is inviting the public to visit the "Wakeup Song 
Contest" website to select songs from a list of the top 40 previous 
wakeup calls or to submit original tunes for consideration. To vote 
or submit a song, visit: 

The two songs with the most votes from the top 40 list will be played 
as crew wakeup calls on the final scheduled flight of space shuttle 
Discovery. Discovery's STS-133 mission is targeted to launch on Nov. 

"We're looking forward to hearing which songs the public wants played 
for us," STS-133 Commander Steve Lindsey said. "It's going to be a 
difficult choice, because there have been so many great songs played 
over the years." 

Original songs must have a space theme and be submitted to NASA by 4 
p.m. CST on Jan. 10, 2011. The songs will be reviewed by agency 
officials and the top finalists put to a public vote. The top two 
songs will be used to wake space shuttle Endeavour's STS-134 crew. 
Endeavour's mission is the last scheduled space shuttle flight. It is 
targeted to launch on Feb. 26, 2011. 

"Space shuttle crews really enjoy the morning wake-up music," STS-134 
Commander Mark Kelly said. "While we don't have the best quality 
speaker in the space shuttle, it will be interesting to hear what the 
public comes up with. We are looking forward to it." 

The song contest campaign follows NASA's ongoing "Face in Space" 
project. It invites the public to send electronic images of their 
faces into orbit aboard one of the final remaining space shuttle 
missions. To submit your image, visit: 

For more information about the Space Shuttle Program and the STS-133 
and STS-134 missions to the International Space Station, visit: 

For more information about the space station, visit: 


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