Space Coast Task Force Delivers Economic Strategies Report

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Aug. 17, 2010

Michael Cabbage 
Headquarters, Washington      

Shira Kramer 
Dept. of Commerce, Washington 

RELEASE: 10-194


WASHINGTON -- The President's Task Force on Space Industry Workforce 
and Economic Development, co-chaired by NASA Administrator Charles F. 
Bolden, Jr. and U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, today released 
its report to President Barack Obama with recommendations to enhance 
economic development strategies along Florida's Space Coast. 

The task force was charged with developing a plan for how best to 
invest $40 million in transition assistance from the federal 
government in the Space Coast region as the space shuttle program 
winds down. 

Bolden, Locke, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Transportation Secretary 
Ray LaHood, and several other senior administration officials visited 
the region several times since the creation of the task force to meet 
with area workers and experts. 

"Over the past few months, we have worked diligently with local 
government officials, economic development agencies and affected 
corporations and employees to develop a comprehensive plan that will 
create high-skill, high-wage jobs and a strong economic base in the 
Space Coast," Locke said. "Space is a key driver of the 21st century 
American economy, and that's why the president believes so strongly 
in empowering NASA to pursue new avenues of discovery." 

After review of the Space Coast's economic assets, employment needs, 
and development priorities, as well as suggestions submitted through 
a public website, the task force developed four key recommendations 
for the president: 

1. To sustain regional investments already underway including: 
-- Retraining resources for displaced workers 
--The Space Shuttle Transition Liaison Office 
-- Recovery Act funding for the region, and other government programs 

2. To spur immediate opportunity by: 
-- Launching a new Commercial Spaceflight Technical Center 
-- Investing $600,000 of the Department of Commerce's Economic 
Development Administration (EDA) and Small Business Administration FY 
2010 budget to support small businesses and industry clusters 
-- Holding a federal government job fair for the highly skilled 
displaced workers 
-- Facilitating a technology export exposition hosted by the 
Department of Commerce to increase access to international markets 
for small- and medium-sized businesses 

3. To invest in smart economic growth initiatives through a new 
competitive fund by: 
-- Establishing a fast-track competitive grant process through the EDA 

4. To build lasting infrastructure for success by: 
-- Engaging a public-private partnership between the federal 
government, venture capitalists, and corporations to catalyze new, 
long-term business creation along the Space Coast 

The majority of the $40 million investment will be dedicated to a 
fast-track competitive grant process through Commerce's EDA. 
Thirty-five million dollars in grants will be awarded to the most 
promising job creation and economic development programs, with 
competition announced Sept. 1. The additional $5 million will fund a 
new Commercial Spaceflight Technical Center to support commercial 
space launch and reentry activities. 

"For decades, the dedicated members of the Space Coast workforce have 
used their wide-ranging talents to safely create, launch, and 
maintain some of the world's most complex aerospace and technical 
systems," said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. "As we transition 
to a new era in our national space policy, President Obama has made 
it a top priority to foster innovation and create job opportunities 
for those who helped make America the leader in international space 
exploration. The investments we're making with these Task Force 
recommendations are investments in our nation's most important asset, 
our skilled workforce." 

In addition to funding set aside in President Obama's 2011 budget for 
the Space Coast, another $60 million was set aside for other areas 
across the country that will be impacted by changes to the nation's 
space policy, including $45 million for economic development through 
EDA and another $15 million for job training activities through the 
Department of Labor. 

Earlier this year, President Obama announced a new, ambitious space 
initiative that includes a budget increase of $6 billion over five 
years to support a bold new path of innovation and discovery that 
will create thousands of jobs at Kennedy Space Center, on the Space 
Coast, and nationwide. 

And in May, he established the Task Force on Space Industry Workforce 
and Economic Development to lead the initiative to coordinate and 
implement a plan to grow the region's economy and prepare its workers 
for the opportunities of tomorrow as the shuttle program comes to a 
close. The $40 million, multi-agency initiative builds on and 
complements ongoing local and federal economic and workforce 
development efforts. 

To view the full task force report, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:   


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