NASA Astronauts -- Including Space Station Crew Member From Maryland -- Available For Interviews In Washington

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July 20, 2010

Stephanie Schierholz 
Headquarters, Washington                                    



WASHINGTON -- NASA Headquarters in Washington will welcome space 
shuttle Atlantis' STS-132 astronauts and International Space Station 
Expedition 22 and 23 Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer for a visit Monday, 
July 26, through Thursday, July 29. 

Creamer considers Upper Marlboro, Md., his hometown. He graduated from 
Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, Md., and Loyola College 
in Columbia, Md. 

Ken Ham commanded the shuttle flight and was joined by Pilot Tony 
Antonelli and Mission Specialists Garrett Reisman, Michael Good, 
Steve Bowen and Piers Sellers. The six astronauts' 12-day mission in 
May was the last scheduled flight of Atlantis. 

While in the nation's capital, the astronauts will participate in 
several activities open to the public and journalists. Reporters 
should refer to individual events for information about how to cover 

At 10 a.m. Monday, Sellers will visit the Save the Children 
organization to return a T-shirt that he carried to space. Reporters 
planning to cover the presentation must contact Eileen Burke at 
203-216-0718 or eburke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

The astronauts will share mission highlights with NASA employees, 
their families and reporters at NASA Headquarters' James E. Webb 
Auditorium, 300 E Street SW, at 1:30 p.m. EDT on Monday. The crew's 
presentation will air live on NASA Television. Interviews are 
available after 2:30 p.m. To schedule an interview, reporters must 
contact Stephanie Schierholz at 202-358-1100 or 

At 6:30 p.m. Monday, the shuttle crew will discuss its mission at 
Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business in the Lohrfink 
Auditorium of the Rafik B. Hariri Building. Reporters interested in 
covering the event or interviewing astronauts afterward should 
contact Teresa Mannix at 202-687-4080 or tmm53@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The 
sold-out event will be shown on NASA TV and webcast at 

The STS-132 astronauts will give an educational presentation and 
answer questions about their mission at the National Air and Space 
Museum on Tuesday, July 27, at 10:30 a.m. Sellers will return a 
replica of the Nobel Prize that is in the museum's collection and was 
flown aboard Atlantis. The prize was won by NASA astrophysicist John 
Mather and University of California, Berkeley researcher George Smoot 
in 2006 for their work using the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite 
to understand the big-bang theory of the universe. This event is open 
to the public. Journalists planning to attend must contact Isabel 
Lara at larai@xxxxxx or Brian Mullen at mullenb@xxxxxxx 

At 2 p.m. Tuesday, Good, Sellers and Reisman will visit the Children's 
National Medical Center at 111 Michigan Avenue, NW, in Washington. 
The astronauts will interact with the children and their families and 
talk to them about space exploration. Reporters interested in 
covering this visit must contact Paula Darte at 202-821-6357 or 

Creamer, an Army colonel, will visit the U.S. Army Center of Military 
History at the Pentagon Tuesday afternoon. Reporters interested in 
covering Creamer's tour of the exhibit must contact Gary Tallman at 
the Pentagon at 703-614-1742 or gary.tallman@xxxxxxxxxxxx 

On Tuesday evening, all seven astronauts will attend the Washington 
Nationals baseball game at Nationals Park in southeast Washington, 
where they will be recognized on the field before the start of the 
game against the Atlanta Braves. More than 500 employees from NASA 
Headquarters and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, 
Md., also are expected to attend the game. Credentialed news media 
representatives who would like an interview at the ballpark must 
contact Joanna Comfort at 202-640-7711 or 

Creamer will visit his alma mater Bishop McNamara High School in 
Forestville, Md., on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Journalists who would like 
to accompany Creamer through his visit of the school must contact Jim 
Palmer at palmerj@xxxxxxxxx 

NASA has invited 100 of its Twitter followers to a Tweetup with 
Creamer on Thursday, July 29, at 3 p.m. at NASA Headquarters. While 
in space, Creamer set up the International Space Station's live 
Internet connection. He posted updates about the mission to his 
Twitter account and sent the first live tweet from the orbiting 
outpost. The NASA Tweetup will be broadcast on NASA TV. The event can 
be tracked with the hashtag #NASATweetup or by following the list of 
attendees at: 
Reporters who would like to cover the NASA Tweetup must register in 
advance with Stephanie Schierholz at 202-358-1100 or 

The STS-132 mission delivered the Russian-built Mini Research Module-1 
to the International Space Station. Also known as Rassvet (the 
Russian word for "dawn"), the module provides additional storage 
space and a new docking port for Russian Soyuz and Progress 
spacecraft. The mission's three spacewalks focused on replacing and 
installing components outside the station, including replacing six 
batteries, installing a communications antenna and adding parts to 
the Canadian Dextre robotic arm. For more information about the 
STS-132 crew members and their mission, visit: 

Creamer spent 161 days living aboard the station as part of the 
Expedition 22 and 23 crews. He launched aboard a Soyuz spacecraft in 
December 2009 and returned to Earth June 2. For Creamer's complete 
biography, visit: 

For more information about the space station, visit: 

For NASA TV schedule information and links to streaming video, visit: 


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