NASA Finds Super Hot Planet With Unique Comet-Like Tail

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July 15, 2010

J.D. Harrington 
Headquarters, Washington      

Donna Weaver 
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md. 

Jeffrey Linsky 
University of Colorado, Boulder 

RELEASE: 10-167


WASHINGTON -- Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have 
confirmed the existence of a baked object that could be called a 
"cometary planet." The gas giant planet, named HD 209458b, is 
orbiting so close to its star that its heated atmosphere is escaping 
into space. 

Observations taken with Hubble's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) 
suggest powerful stellar winds are sweeping the cast-off atmospheric 
material behind the scorched planet and shaping it into a comet-like 

"Since 2003 scientists have theorized the lost mass is being pushed 
back into a tail, and they have even calculated what it looks like," 
said astronomer Jeffrey Linsky of the University of Colorado in 
Boulder, leader of the COS study. "We think we have the best 
observational evidence to support that theory. We have measured gas 
coming off the planet at specific speeds, some coming toward Earth. 
The most likely interpretation is that we have measured the velocity 
of material in a tail." 

The planet, located 153 light years from Earth, weighs slightly less 
than Jupiter but orbits 100 times closer to its star than the Jovian 
giant. The roasted planet zips around its star in a short 3.5 days. 
In contrast, our solar system's fastest planet, Mercury, orbits the 
sun in 88 days. The extrasolar planet is one of the most intensely 
scrutinized, because it is the first of the few known alien worlds 
that can be seen passing in front of, or transiting, its star. Linsky 
and his team used COS to analyze the planet's atmosphere during 
transiting events. 

During a transit, astronomers study the structure and chemical makeup 
of a planet's atmosphere by sampling the starlight that passes 
through it. The dip in starlight because of the planet's passage, 
excluding the atmosphere, is very small, only about 1.5 percent. When 
the atmosphere is added, the dip jumps to 8 percent, indicating a 
bloated atmosphere. 

COS detected the heavy elements carbon and silicon in the planet's 
super-hot 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit atmosphere. This detection 
revealed the parent star is heating the entire atmosphere, dredging 
up the heavier elements and allowing them to escape the planet. 

The COS data also showed the material leaving the planet was not all 
traveling at the same speed. "We found gas escaping at high 
velocities, with a large amount of this gas flowing toward us at 
22,000 miles per hour," Linsky said. "This large gas flow is likely 
gas swept up by the stellar wind to form the comet-like tail trailing 
the planet." 

Hubble's newest spectrograph has the ability to probe a planet's 
chemistry at ultraviolet wavelengths not accessible to ground-based 
telescopes. COS is proving to be an important instrument for probing 
the atmospheres of "hot Jupiters" like HD 209458b. 

Another Hubble instrument, the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph 
(STIS), observed the planet in 2003. The STIS data showed an active, 
evaporating atmosphere, and a comet-tail-like structure was suggested 
as a possibility. But STIS wasn't able to obtain the spectroscopic 
detail necessary to show a tail, or an Earthward-moving component of 
the gas, during transits. The tail was detected for the first time 
because of the unique combination of very high ultraviolet 
sensitivity and good spectral resolution provided by COS. 

Although this extreme planet is being roasted by its star, it won't be 
destroyed anytime soon. "It will take about a trillion years for the 
planet to evaporate," Linsky said. 

The results appeared in the July 10 issue of The Astrophysical 

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation 
between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA's Goddard Space 
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the telescope. The Space 
Telescope Science Institute, operated for NASA by the Association of 
Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. in Washington, conducts 
Hubble science operations. 

For illustrations and more information about HD 209458b, visit: 


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